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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I like Ray's poem ...and last time I checked, not counting Spray, there's 26 categories here to post to plus photos and Shout. You fuckers telling me you can't just avoid Spray entirely and enjoy the rest of the site. I call bullshit. Stay outta Spray and you'll have no problems. Chickshit peckerwoods
  2. allthumbs


    and then he drank a glass of his own piss. As did John Lennon, ScottP, Jim Morrison, Keith Richards and Steve McQueen there's just no accounting for taste
  3. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    That's cool Iain. I'm sure not knocking your hobbies and shit you spend your money on. What's your problem?
  4. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    I love the attention. Get a real job Iain, and you can afford one too. Bring it on.
  5. Necro, you know, we've been getting along for over an hour now, let's do lunch. I'll bring the grenades and you bring the RPG. We'll have a nice & and then go blow some shit up. What say?
  6. toid and toidy toid street?
  7. Necro, have you been playing with your google again? You know that can make you blind.
  8. Oops, sorry. It's all a lie...a big damn lie.
  9. bullshit. I don't do that and you know it. you massaged me.
  10. You bet your sweet ass I am
  11. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    you talkin to me, chum slick?
  12. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Hey fool, guess what, we're not embarrassed. In fact it's fun to tailgate and intimidate little whinny shits that bitch about the big rigs. I make it a point to buy big, and buy American. If it gets over 8 miles to the gallon, it ain't for me. And watch who yur callin a yuppie or me, bubba, cooter and boo will hunt ya down and gut ya like a fish. Move over!!!
  13. and it does not take a brain surgeon to see that getting rid of abusers like you would increase the popularity of this site many fold and what would make you privy to this kind of information? whose avatar are you? hey j_b...come get your momma
  14. bwahahaha Better bring the 18 wheeler cause he's a BIG shit...said so himself
  15. ....and leave this site to be overrun by left-wing anarchists, transvestites like you SC, and the other assorted ner-do-wells and dirtbags? No way. We need the conservatives to bring fairness and balance.
  16. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    who cares? run whatcha brung!!!
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