Never in the history of the world have so few people plundered so much of the Earth's natural resources. Canada is hell bent in clear cutting all it's forests, pillaging it's fisheries to the point of extinction, subsidizing the unconscionable slaughter of it's wildlife, has become a toxic waste dump for the U.S., and to top it all off is governed by a group of mindless politicians who pander shamelessly on behalf of the world's most perversely greedy Multinational corporation $$$.
1) Their main exports are ice, maple syrup, and ridiculous accents.
2) L.A. high schoolers are more heavily armed than their army.
3) They have a marijuana leaf on their flag, but don't even have the right climate to grow it!
4) Their pussy army is a bunch of goofy looking "mounties" on horseback.
5) They gained their independence the wussy way: by sucking up to Britain. We did it the right way: through a long, bloody war.
6) Their currency resembles Monopoly money.
7) They say "eh" and "aboot" and claim they're words!
8) It's too far north for Mexicans and Cubans to sneak into.
9) They think they're better than everybody else just because they have Eskimos, glaciers, and polar bears.
10) It's full of leftover draft dodgers from the Vietnam War.
11) Cannucks wear those silly hats with the flaps, you know what we're talking about!
12) They still brag about holding off the American army in the war of 1812.
13) They can't even kick the lousy French off their land.
14) They're "kind and peace loving."
15) Their army prefers horses instead of tanks
16) They think it's a real country!