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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Dru, Ya figure the weapon of choice for war on oneself would be GAS?
  2. This all you got Matt? This must be a sad day for you...Bush and his storm troopers won the war.
  3. allthumbs

    Now What?

    OMFG!!!!!!!!!! Say it ain't so
  4. allthumbs

    Now What?

    JG- I'm hoping that the U.S. will give it a rest. We need to deal with Korea, but now that China has stepped in, I think it will come to a non-hostile, diplomatic conclusion. Let's hope. I think the so-called war on terrorism will continue (meaning chasing down that fucker Bin Lacky), although on a much smaller and more localized level.
  5. Dru, hahaha NICE Where's Dudly Dooright when ya need him?
  6. allthumbs

    Now What?

    JG, I beg to differ. Although mop-up and such will demand our attention for awhile, once we let France, Germany, Russia and the UN clean up the bones and mark their territory like pissing dogs, I think you'll see more of Bush's efforts at the home front. It'll be interesting to see his domestic policy, if any.
  7. allthumbs

    Now What?

    Now that the war is about over, what the hell are we going to fight about? Lets make a list of potential subject matter: 1. The economy. 2. Health-care. 3. The always-volatile Trad vs. Sport. 4.
  8. Please. Give it a rest. It's over. Deal with it.
  9. JG, I think the position of the U.S. now is clear. Either get on board or get the hell out of the way. You're right though, there's little left to argue about. Bring 'em on home now!
  10. Zeppelin
  11. allthumbs

    Michael speaks

    Like I said yesterday, FDA couldn't sell pussy on a troop train. Hardehardehar.
  12. Erik, Clinton is a joke. No comparison. Do your homework, son.
  13. Now the lefties and Dems. will spend the next 6 months searching for shit to disparage the Coalition's efforts and outstanding work. Just watch, it'll be "bash Bush, business as usual". I'm afraid nothing will ever be good enough for "< some" folks. I find them zany at best.
  14. Pooh says, "Oh bother"
  15. Canada has finally offered to help the U.S. in the war on terrorism. They have pledged 2 battleships, 6000 troops and 10 fighter jets. Unfortunately, with the current exchange rate, that comes out to 2 canoes, a Mountie and a couple of flying squirrels.
  16. as if talking sense to you ever was an available option. talking sense jb? you mean like YOU telling me YOUR views on the subject, and calling these views "the sensible thing to believe". I dont' think so jackass. < huff some of this essence of Trask...you know you want to.
  17. someday, we'll get it right
  18. don't forget Waylon and the BoyZ
  19. Well along that vein JGow, I guess that makes the anti-war crowd that ignores Bush, no better than Bush, who ignores the UN. Ya think?
  20. Nice pictures. What f~stop and filter did you use? I doubt anyone here refutes the right of the protester to protest. I just ignore the protesters for the most part, as their message doesn't move me. I find the concept of pacifism under the current world order to be 'pie in the sky'. Saying that we will not fight under any circumstances is an open invitation to be invaded and subjugated, or slaughtered outright. I find that the protesters who are protesting just this war and not war in general much more understandable, though I still disagree with them on moral grounds. Other observations: Personally I object to the term 'civil disobedience' which is designed to put a positive spin on a negative thing. For example, 'civil disobedience' equates to 'criminal behavior'. I think that having to break the law to get your message across causes the message to diminish in value, because the focus changes to the method of delivery rather than the content. Since the law does not limit free speech, the illegal activity is pointless. If the facts don't speak for themselves, someone screaming them at me won't change my mind and will probably annoy me. I think that many people are like that to some extent. j-b comes to mind.
  21. FDA couldn't sell pussy on a troop train. Bwahahaha
  22. loser
  24. FDA, you're a waste of DNA
  25. No Way!!!!! This can't be. There's only one side to this story and the protesters got it goin on, baby! Fucking Pigs and Military jack-booted Thugs!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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