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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide. I've givin this allot of thought. Let's see now . . . No beer, No booze, No bars, No television, No cheerleaders, No baseball, No football, No basketball, No hockey, No golf, No tailgate parties, No Hooters, No pork BBQ, No hot dogs, No burgers, No lobster, shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks. Rags for clothes and towels for hats. Constant wailing from the guy next door because he's sick and there are no doctors. Constant wailing from the guy in the tower. No chocolate chip cookies, No Christmas. You can't shave, Your wife can't shave, You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel dung. The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times. Your bride is picked by someone else. She smells just like your donkey. But your donkey has a better disposition. Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better! Is there a mystery here?
  2. Hell ya. the more the merrier. Dru's vote doesn't count. He hates the U.S.
  3. That's fair enough. I haven't ever said that the U.S. sucked though. I think the current administration sucks and this war sucks but not the country. In any case, if you punched me, I'd be forced to smack you so hard, you'd have to stick a tooth brush up your arse to brush your teeth. I think you'd find that after the initial shock wave, you'd be in for the fight of your life. I don't back down from shit. Cool. I'll remember that...I'd want you in my corner if I ever got in a spot of bother. Yeah me and some of my Bandito brothers sometimes ride our scooters downtown during the peace rallys and fuck people up on the sly. Then we go drink and breed.
  4. That's fair enough. I haven't ever said that the U.S. sucked though. I think the current administration sucks and this war sucks but not the country. In any case, if you punched me, I'd be forced to smack you so hard, you'd have to stick a tooth brush up your arse to brush your teeth. I think you'd find that after the initial shock wave, you'd be in for the fight of your life. I don't back down from shit.
  5. The fact that I'm living here says it all really. Yes, my country is fucked up but what country isn't? I may as well go to a fucked up country where I can make some decent cash though. Still, I wouldn't go so far as to call Scotland a shit-hole. Well worth seeing. If you weren't such a conservative neanderthal, I'd hook you up with places to stay, girls to cook for you, and sheep to shag Well, actually I apologize for calling your country a shit-hole. It's a beautiful place and I wouldn't mind seeing it someday. It pisses me off though when foreigners bad mouth the U.S. Not meaning to be threatening, but if you told me the U.S. sucked to my face I'd probably punch ya. That's normally my first reaction.
  6. until you can make a better bowl of porridge STFU up yours asshole
  7. anybody know where I can get a KKK application?
  8. Oh, it's real tough finding ways to discredit America. Just wanna point out that even though I'm a foreign bastard, I'm definitely NOT anti-American. I'm honestly very grateful to have the chance to live here. However, that doesn't negate the fact that I think this war is fucked up food and bush & his cronies are a bunch of retarded and stale wankstains. Yeah, your shit-hole country really has it together doesn't it, Wallace?
  9. When I lived in Arlington and hung out with the gang from Hooterville, we burned down the house of some liberal hippies that moved in up by Oso. Burned the goddamn house to the ground and then torched the barn. It was real fun. God Bless America
  10. Oh, it's real tough finding ways to discredit America. We're all so proud of you.
  11. I think you're right. The Goat is a conservative...a boring one, but ONE, nonetheless.
  12. canada sucks. rain, rain, rain and wankers with a far off look in their eyes
  13. I climbed some rocks Saturday. So what.
  14. A bit more about it here BTW, I know that most of you hope they're not WMD as this would hurt your anti-American cause. How would you discredit the U.S. if they were the real deal? Hell, it'd be back to the drawing board.
  15. you're fucking rude grow up
  16. bullshit. you can get our topos online - you could at least return the freaking favor leaches. anyway you had a half-assed version going for a little while. it looks like somebody up there is just trying to figure out the whole computer thing. why would any Canadian want an american topo anyways quite true Dru, now that Canadians will only cross the border with their tails between their legs -
  17. No it's not VB, the libs got it all figured out with their ultra dependable newz sources.
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