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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    TRASK is....

  2. allthumbs

    TRASK is....

  3. allthumbs

    Pimp Limp

    Mike, you're just pissed 'cause I called ya a felcher the other day. Gimme a break, I was bored.
  4. allthumbs

    I say we ban...

    you're right E-cock, in fact the late game is about to start on ESPN
  5. suck a fart, dfa cable is cool my cable co. charges extra for music downloading - that took care of the punks tying up the line.
  6. allthumbs

    I say we ban...

    This discussion is weak. Bored this Sunday, boys and girls?
  7. allthumbs

    Story Teller

    We all know one...you know, the story teller. Dude can't tell a quick story, no, gotta start the fucker from before Christ and work their way up to "can you believe that shit?". Over the years I can relate to story tellers, simply 'cause they lull me into a zone. Yeah, ya really need some dope to smoke with these guys, 'cause these are tripy storys they weave. I know ya know what I'm gettin' at. Forgeddaboutit, I'm pie eyed.
  8. If you have a good climbing thread going, with a bit of gnarliness rearing it's ugly head, why not moderate them immediately rather than shifting them over to spray where they inevitably get wasted? The mod. that did this should be keel hauled and flogged by naked women with feather boas.
  9. not sure about last night but you have one fugly beast goin' there mr.ed
  10. yo mama
  11. allthumbs


    Earlier this month, an 80-year-old man named Lester Campbell was mugged while riding the elevator to his Bronx apartment. The struggle went down like a bad transaction, with Mr. Campbell buying a bruised cheek and a bloodshot eye for the low, low price of $262 in cashed out Social Security. The thief might've made off with more, however, were it not for the fact Mr. Campbell was packing. Thrown to the ground, he fired a shot that bounced off the ceiling and sent the thief running like the coward his mother gave birth to.
  12. Ehmmic - I'm an equal opportunity boyfriend - they all get two weeks. Sorry, but I've been told I'm now a 'commitaphobe'. You'll get no argument from me on that one either. You 'needy' folks can have the relationships, I'm in it strickly for the sex.
  13. allthumbs

    Make me happy.

    hahaha, yeah, it looks like a skeet/trap house to me
  14. show us your boobs so we can be sure
  15. allthumbs

    Make me happy.

  16. Republican parents have no problem buying their kids toy guns. Democrats refuse to do so. That is why their kids pretend to shoot each other with dolls.
  17. it'd sure suit me to get this bitch outta the spraypen
  18. You don't "own" the spray section fuck you too, doofus
  19. suck it, Pinesol
  20. Matt, quit sending your garbage climbing threads over here to spray. They fuck up the quality of this forum. Thanks for your cooperation, trask Dru and Layton discussing the upcoming event ...
  21. Erik, the ribs go inside for your own pleasure.
  22. you're a dickwad, stfu
  23. allthumbs


    livin' large with m'man, Al
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