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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. you sound like the biggest tard of all. no wonder you're a tard teacher. i hope ya get laid off douchbag
  3. If you promise not to show, I will.
  4. don't be so sure. with the crazy-ass weather we're having this year, all bets are off hi timmy
  5. get a life catturder and go back to school. nobody can understand what the hell you're trying to say. you're definitely the dumbest mofo on this site. stupid bastard
  6. that's not folk music nitwit, that's R&B
  7. and i'm here to tell ya, that if you're a conservative, sportin' the much larger balls that we conservatives sport, bob's boot is gonna hurt.
  8. allthumbs


    Three couples went in to see the minister to see how to become members of his church. The minister said that they would have to go without sex for two weeks and then come back and tell him how it went. The first couple was retired, the second couple was middle-aged and the final couple was newlywed. Two weeks went by, and the couples returned to the minister. The retired couple said it was no problem at all. The middle-aged couple said it was tough for the first week, but after that, it was no problem. The newlyweds said it was fine until she dropped the can of paint. "Can of PAINT!" exclaimed the minister. "Yeah," said the newlywed man. "She dropped the can and when she bent over to pick it up I had to have her right there and then. Lust took over." The minister just shook his head and said that they were not welcome in the church. "That's okay," said the man. "We're not welcome in Home Depot either."
  9. only 6' ? next time don't send a boy to do a man's job
  10. hey you cum guzzling homo pud pounder- get a clue, I don't post animal porn.....it's YOU dumb fucks that post that shit. actually, i don't post ANY porn, cause i don't want to get anyone in trouble at work. i DO however, have a slight swearing problem....but i'm working on it. so eat shit and die butt douche.
  11. that sticker is just asking for you to get shot! haha bubye LOOKS LIKE A PERFECT LAPEL BADGE FOR A LIBERAL HAHAHAHA
  12. swing by for lunch and i'll lick ya an attitude adjustment
  13. well, i never expected to win anyway, cause there's way more insecure pussys and fags around this site then real American men like me. it was worth a try. here's to swimmin' with bow-legged wimmin
  14. I have a large, locked gun safe, dumb ass.
  15. allthumbs


    visiting www.feelmeup.com again Erik?
  16. I can see how you might have access to the fags, but I just have no faith that you can deliver the other goods. typical scientist - overthinking everything
  17. allthumbs


    just had horsecock and rye crisp for breakfast what'd you liberals have?
  18. What are you saying, conservatives sleep in? Conservatives are lazy and rely on nepotism and the old boy network to screw others out of money. Dick Cheyney...Halliburton you connect the dots. OUCH !!!!!
  19. let's hear it for fabrique nationale
  20. good - i hate those fucking saudis
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