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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. what channel is that on?
  2. shut up erik - you're drunk with power
  3. doofus, icegirl is definitely NOT a dude drugs...I'll tell ya
  4. Carolyn, you're welcome to stay with me for a week long love fest.
  5. So what? It was good TV for a month and beat watching "Friends" re-runs.
  6. minx, I don't deserve your abuse If you want my meat again, just call me, but stop with this grousing around.
  7. know what i like bout icegirl? she never flips shit. just sits around lookin foxy with that shit eatin grin on her face.
  8. an if'n it's good nuff for Mark Twain, it's good enuf for this pilgrim, right Alisin?
  9. buy Sound of Music - "the hills are alive with the sound of snafflehounds"
  10. Alison just PM'ed me to tell me to knock off bashing' her. Guess it's okay for her to flip me shit but not vice versa. Waw,waw,waw have another cigarette Alison...feed that emphysema
  11. damn cool photos, thanks for sharin (in the other thread too).
  12. those are all pussy routes for scabs european's are all uncircumsized frenchy queers climb some real shit and then puff adder
  13. best movie I've seen in 20 years
  14. Holy shit, I'm down to 40%...time to up the anti. Free beer if you vote for me. See TG for details.
  15. This weapon is the best choice for when conventional handgun fire power just isn't enough to get the job done. Many times in the mountains, or even at Pube club for that matter, you can find yourself in situations where you must unleash extreme fire power at close range. (Allison coming at you with fire in her eye and a cigarette in her mouth, for instance). A bulky 35 lb. rifle won't work and certainly can't be readily hidden. But the BWS Barrett M82B1-P definitely CAN! The next time you are cornered by Mounties, or by Caveman, or God help you....a smokin' Allison, and they demand your rack, or horsecock ....whip out your BWS Barrett M82B1-P. They'll know they messed with the "wrong dude".
  16. Yeah we expected that from you , phuk,n tree hug'n left wing commie cry baby How did you get your finger off the mouse click'n the rat/nark(notify moderator) long enought to vote dick head
  17. I tried to help you with a Google search but all I came up with was: Áðáãïñåýåôáé ç áíáðáñáãùãÞ ôùí éóôïóåëßäùí Þ ôùí öùôïãñáöéþí ìå ïðïéïäÞðïôå ìÝóï ÷ùñßò ôçí Ýããñáöç Üäåéá ôïõ åêäüôç. Ï ÷þñïò ãéá íá ôïðïèåôçèïýí ïé éóôïóåëßäåò ðáñá÷ùñÞèçêå äùñåÜí áðü ôçí tripod.com. Ï ðáñï÷Ýáò ÷þñïõ, åìöáíßæåé áõôüìáôá óôï åðÜíù ìÝñïò êÜèå éóôïóåëßäáò, êÜðïéåò äéáöçìéóôéêÝò êáôá÷ùñÞóåéò ðïõ äåí åßíáé äõíáôüí íá ôéò áöáéñÝóïõìå.
  18. that wasn't very nice. shame on you - such angst, are you sure you should be around children?
  19. grind up the activists too so minx, i see you like it bunny style too
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