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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs


    speakin' of yo momma, she's so fat that the National Weather Agency had to name her farts
  2. Hey Flash, did mommy hang your wet sheet from the window for the neighborhood to see?
  3. allthumbs


    No beefs with that, Josh. I just think it's important for fathers to be fathers (regardless of the format), that's all. oh, erik, the sistas tell me you're real good at playin' wityoself. bwahahaha
  4. allthumbs


    Field reports from Iraq reveal such miserable gunhandling that we must ask ourselves about what amounts to social degeneration. Throughout the 20th century we Americans have had occasion to handle literally millions of smallarms, and we did so largely without mishaps. The only case I ran across in my entire service was judged by a court of inquiry to be a self-inflicted wound, rather than a negligent discharge. Now we find ourselves confronted with huge numbers of young men who do not seem to be able to keep finger off trigger, or to keep firearms properly pointed. Can television be the cause of this, or is it the deliberate, intentional gelding of the young American male? A boy should be taught proper gunhandling by his father. If he has no father, this is difficult. Possibly in a two-income family there is no time for fathers properly to educate sons. Education is what you get at home - what you get, or should get, at school is training. What seems to have developed is a culture in which the fathers have no fathers, and this is a tough one to remedy - tougher in the face of urbanized hoplophobia. This is no cause for despair. Annoyance possibly, but not despair. The soul of the American outdoorsman has not been lost, and it should be consciously cherished. Consider the example of our icon, TR the Great. When he rode through the night to assume the mantle of the presidency, as his predecessor slowly died, his most memorable remark was his opinion that if it had been he who had been shot, rather than McKinley, he, Roosevelt, would have killed his assailant before losing combat capability. That was some time ago, but we should not accept the idea that there are no more Americans like that. They are there - it is just that they get a bad press. -coop
  5. bombs, bullets, and bullshit
  6. I forgot to tell you trask, I got one, if only for 4 weeks, but the pay is swell. Then it's back to climbing. Got a nifty (permanent) job lead I'm working on, though. good on ya
  7. Who has time for that shit when there is so much climbing to do? get a job, moron
  8. Chris, My kid got a bit confused when his mom and I divorced. We took him to a psychologist for a year (he loved it by the way) and she was able to smooth out his concerns and such. I'm a true believer in using a Shrink now and then, and I think it's good for all of us. After all, who among us (other than Cavey) really has their shit together?
  9. Personally, I think if parents are milktoast, their kids will railroad them. To each his own.
  10. I'll tell you pilgrims something. My two kids totally doat on me and even their friends think I'm a cool swingin' dude. I don't put up with any shit from the little rascals, but will bullshit around with 'em and take 'em go-cart racing, climbing, water skiing, and all the fun shizmo, and even help with their homework. What's so bad about that?
  11. Erik, you turd - Handguns are a lot of fun for shooting at targets, cans, bottles, cats, rats, and ghetto varmints. Enuf wit da negitive vibes already. trask
  12. Chris, ya gotta grab the bull by the horns and kick it in the nuts sometimes. When my 13 yr. old son gives me attitude I get in his fucking face and put the fear of God in him. He knows I mean business and he does what he's told. Now on the bright side, he's a cool kid and easily as well adjusted as myself.
  13. Military School - I'm serious. They'll straighten his ass Right out.
  14. The annual meeting of the NRA gives me much to think about. We bid goodbye to our outstanding president, Charlton Heston, who served the association splendidly during his three terms, and welcome new president Police Chief Kayne Robinson, who is well on top of the situation. That situation is never easy. The foes of liberty never sleep, and the less sense they make the louder they howl. They do not accept the fact that THE ARMED CITIZEN IS IN ITSELF THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL SECURITY. No government can tyrannize an armed citizenry, as has been proven throughout history. The armed citizen can be ruled only by his own consent, and this is obvious to both sides of the political spectrum. I think we may assume that the good people will always outnumber the bad people, and thus if all people are equipped and ready to protect their liberties, those liberties can never be destroyed. This has always seemed simple to those of us in our camp. Why it is not so to people on the other side remains a puzzlement. So we take continued pride and comfort in our Association, the oldest and most distinguished civil rights gathering in the world. The NRA is not perfect. Nothing is. But the remedy for that is to get into it and make it so. There is always room for argument, and the truth, reached by argument, shall make you free. So it goes Brothers, trask
  15. No shit? Bet that quality gear comes with a 5 minute warranty too. HooEee!!
  16. listen-up....the dominatrix speaks
  17. My 11 year old has struggled with spelling. She used to say she didn't care about it, but when I pointed out that at a certain point, all other people see is the misspellings, and her ideas are discounted, then she decided it mattered and has been steadily improving. One small defense of Fence Sitter's cavalier approach to letter arrangement: teh is not usually a misspelling, its one of those very common typos for people who touch type. teh edn
  18. The city of Yellowknife - Diamond Capital of North United States
  19. Alison's panties are littering my bedroom floor from our last spunkfest. "Why do you wimmim insist on leaving these smelly calling cards?"
  20. I normally wouldn't get involved, but for those who care, here's a sweet little download spell checker that sits right up on your explorer tool bar. Use it or not, I don't give a fuck. press for spell checker
  21. Yeah, then you can go visit that fudge packer FDA
  22. heh, if i uninstall Quacktime from my sleek new computer will i be happier?
  23. well, look on the bright side. with you gone for a couple days, maybe your hound's bung hole will have a chance to heal. hehehe
  24. maybe, but only if I can spunk in the mashed potatoes - you can tell the guests it's sour cream
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