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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs


    that blows get a life, clown
  2. jeez, scott. for the amount of shit you take around here maybe your avy out to be of a brown coil. your pal, trask
  3. "What'd you say Erik? I'm sorry, I missed what you said; I was busy scratching my ass."
  4. Show me the proof. That story is contrived. That choad a democrat or what?
  5. Please Chris, a GQ gent like myself would never prominently display such smut. We prefer the anonymity of the internet.
  6. excuse me, but how can one have no smells on a vapor barrier liner?
  7. No, F=Fuckin' D=Dumb A=Asshole .... or any combination of said letters
  8. allthumbs


    don't be stirrin' the coals now, catturd, goddamnit - stay focused
  9. allthumbs


    you should know, cowboy
  10. allthumbs


    The Question: All I wanted to ask you is that if we put a thermometer in Space with no other light or heat source around and absolutely no background radiation there, what would it read? Would the temperature be really cold or what? The Answer: Yes, it would be really cold. Temperature measures the energy per "degree of freedom" (i.e. way something can move) of whatever molecules happen to be around. So, it it becomes so cold that the molecules stop all together, then this is the "absolute zero" temperature. On the Celsius Temperature Scale (i.e. water freezes at 0, and boils at 100) this takes place at -273 degrees C. We usually use the Kelvin temperature scale, where Zero Kelvin is this "absolute zero" temperature -- or -273 degrees C. Water freezes at +273 Kelvin and water boils at +373 Kelvin. If we put a thermometer in darkest space, with absolutely nothing around, it would first have to cool off. This might take a very very long time. Once it cooled off, it would read 2.7 Kelvin. This is because of the "3 degree microwave background radiation." No matter where you go, you cannot escape it -- it is always there. Brrrrrrrr
  11. allthumbs


    I always kinda wondered, anybody know how cold it is up there in space?
  12. so you're into pedophilia too, eh Dr. Slick? Sicko
  13. allthumbs


    You take all that away and you take the trask out trask. You'd have, well I'm not sure what you'd have. He'd be a ghost of his former self. FDA - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!
  14. allthumbs


    very agile, iain don't listen to the fudge packer - he's a downer
  15. pet hamsters - "a felching we will go (fart), a felching we will go (fart), high ho the merrio, a felching we will go (fart)"
  16. Shit, with Trask's bad haircut, chubby physique, and ambiguous gender, he should fit right in! Trask = Pat Oh yeah, well AlpineK's mamma's so nasty, I called her for phone sex and got an ear infection. Damn!! Trask = desperate, pathetic, compulsive masturbator? That's right FDA, yuk it up now, mutha fukka - TyRee's got the hogleg out and the stinkeye on ya.
  17. Shit, with Trask's bad haircut, chubby physique, and ambiguous gender, he should fit right in! Trask = Pat Oh yeah, well AlpineK's mamma's so nasty, I called her for phone sex and got an ear infection. Damn!!
  18. fda's Creed - Fudge Packer's Unite
  19. Thanks, but DFA has been sending them that shit every damn day since 2000. So far they haven't even addressed DFA's pet issue (Hey dumbass Texan fucker! Get your head outta your ass and quit running this country into the ground, you election-rigging draft-dodger!). It's a shame they aren't more responsive to public opinion, but that's cool. Fucker's just going to have to live out another term in office knowing everyone voted for the other guy, which has got to weigh on your conscience after a while (assuming you have one, of course). Don't fret you syphilitic dripping pud pounder- Uncle will ream your nasty ass soon enough. He has a real soft-spot in Leavenworth, Kansas for anarchists like you. Of course being the fudge packer you are, you'll undoubtedly fit right into TyRee's plans. "an don' yo be standin' up to piss no more eitha bitch!! yo sits yo ass down an piss like a good ho or i be cuttin some bacon offn yo backside".
  20. thank you my brutha they'll swing by in some toyota 2x4's, kick your ass, then have a celebratory softball game on your lawn. I'll allow it, but only if I can masturbate and watch.
  21. thank you my brutha
  22. Asshole, I've saved and emailed all your Commie anti-American, anti-Bush posts to the White House in hopes that they'll send the Secret Service to roust your ignorant ass. Have a shitty day. trask
  23. FDA, I've saved and sent all your commie anti-American, anti-Bush posts to the White House in hopes that they'll send the Secret Service to roust your ignorant ass. Have a shitty day. trask
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