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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. ugly attracts ugly simple
  2. Before I go huntin' I consult a psychic hotline to determine which bartenders will be pouring strong.
  3. there's always something on my mind
  4. bwahahaha, what a crock of shit. you're so funny Erik
  5. jeez, i didn't need that mental picture
  6. don't you mean, drier? trask- only b/c you've become less "interesting" w/age yeah minx, but I'm not the one that packs around a case of K-Y Jelly.
  7. don't you mean, drier?
  8. seems to me that when wimmin hit their 30's they're not so much about wanting money spent on them. the one's i hang with just like me for my pleasing personality.
  9. don't date. just have them over
  10. ben wa balls while standing in line at the checkout counter - right ladies?
  11. no f'ing doubt!!! bullshit, I can attend to 8 different erogenous zones on a woman at one time.
  12. Jesus Christ, this thread is fucking hilarious.
  13. That's right. My problem is that the "Hunt" is everything. Once I've scored, it's, "Oh, you still here?"
  14. Bob, go have a beer and calm down. Sisu's a good guy.
  15. allthumbs


    on a fresh shrimp salad.
  16. Quit changing the header, numbnutZ
  17. My contention is that most modern men and women should not push their luck past one year. That seems about right for the "fun factor". After that they're both checkin' out other ass.
  18. Damn, all this talk about sex and stuff...I'm horny. Any of you ladies wanna get drunk and screw?
  19. I will...I'm told he's gotta little bean. hahaha
  20. allthumbs

    True or False

    Thanks doll, I can sleep nights now.
  21. Hey Bob... thelawgoddess can stop a speeding 18 wheeler
  22. Minx, Catturd doesn't speak for me.
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