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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I think it's time for a fucking contest. Drill big holes in a long wall of plywood, say 8' high by 10' long. Stand the climber chicas naked behind each hole (pussy level of course), and let some lucky, or not so lucky stiff, (I was thinking Greg or Erik) sample each one and report back with a TR.
  2. or possibly a yeast infection
  3. you're the undisputed hatemeister
  4. Greg TLG "... let's get ready to rumble!!!"
  5. There's the biggest problem - el shito job. It's not worth it. Quit the fucker and find something to do that makes you happy, before it's too late.
  6. Way to go! I divorced an alcoholic wife which allowed me to cut way back on my drinking (quit smoking also). I feel great too.
  7. nuff said
  8. They'll suck less, now that they've cleaned house and sent "shit for brains" packin'.
  9. DFAsshole, how about putting your babble into proper syntax, form, and grammar so I can at least understand what the fuck you're saying before I dismiss it, bitch?
  10. If I were Secret Service, I'd take that cartoon serious too. It does imply some threat. Ya think? Duh
  11. allthumbs

    The Big Game

    the wife looks like a dominatrix or tranny. which is it?
  12. When I was in LA recently, Angelina and I had dinner and drinks. Later, we fucked each other senseless for hours and said our goodbyes. We'll be vacationing together in Aruba, later this fall. I'll give a TR.
  13. allthumbs

    The Big Game

    Who's the flamer? Think it shaves it's pits?
  14. hahaha, we'll kill them again next week, and the next week, and the next week, and the next....... click
  15. Shut the fuck up Gimp, before I come down there and bitchslap your candy ass.
  16. For your information, DFA dumb motherfucker, I ran that title in Word, looking for incorrect grammar or sentence structure. It's fine the way it's written. Go fuck your mother some more and leave me alone.
  17. dumb fuckers like you obviously don't, but then you're tagged an idiot, so it's moot - btw, enjoying your job flippin' burgers at Wendy's?
  18. Attitude, are you retarded? Have you ever uttered a word, or is the posting of pagetop snaffle icons your only claim to fame?
  19. The toilet seat is cracked, where do I stand?
  20. One should do business in English, diplomacy in French, command troops in German, make love in Spanish, and sing in Italian. In amplification one should do his cursing in Arabic, though this is complicated by the diversity of that tongue. Fuck U too, lummoxhole.
  21. Yes, but now she's known as Adrien SAG-O. Q- What does an old woman have between her breasts that a young woman doesn't? A- A navel.
  22. Kurt's right as far as message board babble goes. In the business world, a shitty speller is nowhere. My uncle the attorney will throw away correspondence with spelling errors, rather than bother reading it. He says that if the sender is too stupid or lazy to proof read and correct his/her document, then they don't warrant his time.
  23. That's true, but if you want ME to take you seriously, you'd best get it right.
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