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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Hello Pi- I couldn't give an agitated gibbon's malignant left testicle about your semen soaked perverted fantasies. -trask
  2. Pi, you suck. Take 55 milligrams of pure Diazepam and 120mg of Valium and sit in the corner and fondle yourself until the presence of a somewhat pacified braying jackass is requested.
  3. Relax Pi, unless you threaten me or my family directly, you're totally safe from anything but verbal abuse from me. I still hate pinko, queer, commie fukkas though. Go to hell, Gimp.
  4. Hey Pi, you commie piece of shit. No one entitled you to post here, bitch. Take your stupid commie ass and paint a bullseye on it.
  5. I believe widespread possession of guns is justified by considerations of public safety, individual dignity, and healthy democracy. Public safety because law enforcement personnel can never be numerous enough to guarantee safety. Personal dignity implies, among much else, readiness for self-defense. The health of a democratic culture is dependent on the general public's involvement in public safety. This is so because freedom is not a gift from government and defending it is not a duty that responsible citizens can entirely delegate to government. Get involved folks, and get armed.
  6. lummox, you're tool #1 go fuck your mother in the ass
  7. I've seen many so-called climbers suck bad. Most of you are probably in that category. I think it's funny how you talk shit and bore us with gumby TRs ("Oh man, I had an epic on Rainier...damn near blah, blah, blah"). Big fucking deal!!! Go get some lessens or quit wasting us real climber's time with your pathetic suckass shit. You all know who you are.
  8. Mr. E isn't even clever. I'd respect him more if he were clever. Whatever?
  9. allthumbs


    both of you chodes and I'll have you know the deck has been tripled since that photo was taken by your girlfriend.
  10. Is that the Platinum card you're taling about, Erik? The one I stole from Layton?
  11. Erik, I'm about done with Poon and Tang. You're welcome to my leavins' as always.
  12. you probably are the dr. you stupid Gimp
  13. tru dat, although I enjoyed tex and the nose shit yesterday
  14. allthumbs

    How about...

    I climbed up Railroad Grade and took a shit in the rocks at High Camp. End of TR
  15. we feel disdain for you necro for your shameless plagiarism
  16. allthumbs

    How about...

    what a life. you go girl. dance for the man. whatever you say, Mr. Livesthroughothers
  17. allthumbs

    How about...

    fuck you catturd, at least some of us are padding our bank accounts and are fucking our brains out.
  18. I'm gonna go tootle'oo up Sahale on the 16th. Does that count?
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