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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. What's the matter, Tvash? You NEVER let anyone have the last word! I can't help but think you would rather just let this thread die. Maybe something to do with Marylou comin' over for Thanksgiving dinner? Yer inability to spell gooood? BTW - do you live in that green-friendly condo you're always bragging about, or the 1911 house? Are you a liar, or one of those speculating house flippers your always bitchin' about?
  2. Fairweather

    Divorce = SUV

    Hugh Conway = Tvashtarketena. No doubt about it.
  3. It's you're. Step up to your intellect. Actually...never mind. You're already there. Butt fuck ME? Your (ex)wife says I probably wouldn't even feel it. How was Turkey Day with MaryLou? And why all the secrecy?
  4. Home by 3:59pm too! All that deep powder must have just worn you out. I guess you really just wanted to tell everyone you went skiing for a couple hours yesterday. Yahoo for Tvash!!
  5. If I ever DO show up at Tiger it'll be to administer the bitch-slappin' you so deserve. Too bad your momma didn't believe in abortion. BTW; do those things jiggle on the way down? ...And why did Allison/Mary Lou remove her "I spent Thanksgiving with Tvashtarketena" post? Afraid your (ex?)wife would see it and start posting nasties about you again?
  6. I think he avoids the Cable Line Trail/Lycra crowd, so it's unlikely you'll ever run into him.
  7. WTF? Do you really expect anyone to believe your shit? What a moron.
  8. It's more likely that you've never served, never protested, and, having never actually been employed, are living on inherited wealth. Rabid arrogance like yours doesn't just grow on trees. It must be carefully cultivated in a warm insulating blanket of privilege and personal confusion. This world you've tried to create for yourself here on cc.com is quite transparent.
  9. ...and, of course, those who don't work at all.
  10. kukmlSLX3Bo
  11. 5.11 ysTmUTQ5wZE
  12. Islam: Religion of eternal rage. Overdue for reformation too.
  13. Fuck Mooohamed. Polygamist, murdering bastard. There, I said it. Come and get me.
  14. Fairweather

    Evel Knievel

    Good journey, Evel. You were an inspiration.
  15. Its not about the money. It's about an agenda. It's simple: Groups that oppose the repair of roads that provide access to popular recreation areas on federal lands are not worthy of support by traditional users. These same "environmental" groups are short sighted in that they erode support for wilderness values by the exclusion and eviction of those who would otherwise support them. Not man apart. West Side Road MRNP Dosewallips Road ONP Stehiken River Road NCNP White Chuck River Road USFS Mountain Loop/Barlow Pass USFS Suiattle River Road USFS Middle Fork Snoqualmie Road USFS
  16. Frankly, I would like to know why NCNP feels/felt compelled to enter into an agreement with a fringe group like NCCC. Keep in mind, this is the same group that has closure of Middle Fork Cascade River Road as their oft-stated long-term goal. They certainly don't represent the majority of resource users - or me. Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe any existing consent decree can be summarily nullified by the NPS. Here is NCCC's current statement regarding this issue (note that there are several factual inaccuracies in their statement): The Upper Stehekin Valley Road In late 2006, the National Park Service issued a decision to permanently close the upper ten miles of Stehekin Valley Road above Car Wash Falls. The lower 12.8 miles are not affected and will continue to serve all of the sites and amenities that the vast majority of visitors to Stehekin have enjoyed for many years. The upper Stehekin Valley Road, however, is extremely isolated and could only be reached from Stehekin, which itself requires a 50-mile boat ride up Lake Chelan to reach. There is no car ferry. Severe flood damage in 2003 (and many times previously) had made this one of the nation's most expensive roads to repair and maintain for the benefit of just a few dozen vehicles. The NCCC has always favored closing the road due to its impacts on wildlife, the Stehekin River, and other wilderness values. We were delighted that the issue was finally put to rest by the Park Service--that is, until Congressman Doc Hastings introduced, in August 2007, a bill (HR 3408) that would allow the road to be rebuilt by changing the boundary of the Stephen Mather Wilderness. This short-sighted legislation is not only damaging to the recovery of this spectacular wilderness valley, it is a threat to wilderness everywhere and should be vigorously opposed. source: http://www.northcascades.org/
  17. The gun isn't for bears or cats, it's for the trail head prowler yahoo - who, likely, also has a gun.
  18. If you're interested, here's another cool website that's fun to check daily: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
  19. Bring it on!
  20. Large, prosperous middle class.
  21. Is there enough Platinum in those things to make them theft targets?
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