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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. It's not about costs, or wait times--or even equality of outcomes. It's about freedom. There are reasons we aren't them. You should read up.
  2. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    WHAT ARE YOU MY FUCKING MOTHER? (Please do not attempt to rearrange that sentence.)
  3. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    You don't beat commies, you disappear them. you are getting pretty shrill if you think that advertising the jack-booted policies you supported against left wingers for decades in the developing world is going to win you any friends. Actually, it wasn't "my side" that did that whole deal. It was that Third Way guy. Remember? Anyway, I'm not looking to have you or yours as friends. Just keep your lazy-ass political ideas off my fucking property.
  4. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    Fuck off, little commie lap dog.
  5. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    I guess not. You understand my first post was tongue-in-cheek, si? LOL. Nice work. I was naming people who's ties you couldn't criticize at the memorial service because they were not there. Got it now. I didn't actually watch much. The TV was on in the other room, but OB's voice is, uh, like, uh, nails on, uh, chalkboard-to-me. Why you hanging around with the Spray low-lifes lately?
  6. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    I'm glad Jon has you as his personal spokesperson. Seriously though: Rush? Sometimes. Hannity? He's a twerp. O'Rilley? Condescending moron. Michael Medved? Often. NPR? Often. Dennis Miller? All the time. Glen Beck? Only secondarily--but I have seen that book cover of his pretty much everywhere. Funny shit.
  7. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    You don't beat commies, you disappear them.
  8. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    I guess not. You understand my first post was tongue-in-cheek, si?
  9. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    Still haven't had a chance to see his show (or his tie), but I'm glad he's busy outing all the little commies that OB hired sans Congressional approval. As you know, I absolutely hate little commies.
  10. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    Speaking of violence, I'm afraid your side is going to have to take responsibility for the Fort Hood shooter. You enabled him. And your muslim anarchist sniper buddy who is being put down even as we speak too. Not sure if you're willing to refer to these two as "angrybrownmanicus" though. I'll leave the racial distinctions to you.
  11. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    You're kidding, right? Everyone knows GW wears a rusty barbed-wire tie with flecks of shredded koran and the bloody fingernails of the oppressed.
  12. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    A RED TIE at a memorial service? OMG, are you fucking kidding me!?! I wonder if Barak's gonna visit Major Hauk Moohammed Wazzizname at the hospital too?
  13. Neither was old Bush or even Thatcher. Both urged Gorbatchov to stop it, which is fairly well documented. Really? Please share your sources. And what do you think about Obama stabbing Poland and CZR in the back?
  14. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CcMAHh3xEg
  15. Too bad your cult leader couldn't find time to be at the event in Berlin. But, then, I guess he's never really been all that happy about it.
  16. Fairweather

    Swine flu

    I can only afford the generic drug:
  17. Fairweather

    Swine flu

    Terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay are getting the Swine Flu vaccine before pregnant women and kids: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/10/30/guantanamo.h1n1.shots/index.html
  18. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    ...the part about you knowing how to read.
  19. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    Sorry, you'll have to talk with Kevbone about this point. I don't do conspiracy. What confuses me is why all of a sudden you people give a shit about unemployed people. You supported policies that shipped jobs overseas, you were against helping out automakers when millions of jobs were at risk, you're against collective action by unions to limit layoffs, you've bitched about extending unemployment benefits and other "welfare schemes", and you don't believe in government putting people to work. And yet now you're all about unemployment. Huh. Yes, you are more than a bit confused. Me thinks it was you people who drove said jobs overseas with your blind support for the aforementioned unions and extraordinarily burdensome environmental regulations. I like to think of you people as urban simpletons.
  20. Sorry, but concentration camps are "your people's" gig...
  21. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    I know it's difficult for you. I'm suggesting the stimulus bill was packed with political favors and reciprocity and was never about jobs. I'm suggesting you're a cult zombie-like follower who is willingly ignorant. If I recall, Obama assured congress that passage of his bill would keep unemployment at/below 8%. So what happened?
  22. No. But it is beginning to seem like Obama is a little too comfortable with Islam. "Uhhhh, Let's not jump to any conclusions here folks."
  23. Fairweather

    Thank Obama!

    Just back from Costco. DOES ANYBODY HERE SPEAK ENGLISH! No, I'm suggesting that Obama didn't have a fucking clue when he and his fellow Dems passed the stimulus bill. Two words: Shovel. Ready. So, you want to give Obama credit for the good news, but not the bad. Like I said...
  24. Still nothing. Conclusion: TTK knows the event he is referring to happened last week at Dover--before the terrorist attack at Fort Hood--to honor those killed in Afghanistan. TTK has no clue.
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