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Everything posted by Pencil_Pusher

  1. I would guess one failure does not accurately represent the whole batch. Not that that inspires any confidence...
  2. Mother of god, I saw the Carmina Burana performance last night at Benaroya Hall. It started off with a solo violinist, then intermission and then O Fortuna to start things off. Wow, that was awesome... Basically 100+ people singing, three soloists, and the full orchestra. Throw in primo seating and I could've cried at various points, it was so vibrant and powerful. So if this ever comes to your neck of the woods, go. There may be better versions on iTunes, but I bought the Boston Symphony/Ozawa version and it kicks butt. Nothing like the real thing though, props to all the performers last night.
  3. Nice pun, Tom. Ditto the congrats to Silas.
  4. Hip belay was just a reference to old school ways. I don't think it was intended to compare with cordalettes or the like in terms of an anchor. It was a reaction to this thread topic versus the post preceding it (I think).
  5. I might give you a run for the money... maybe slow jog at that.
  6. Three guys on skis and one parking lot. Yep, no chance you'll get caught. Viva Che!
  7. "And I say unto thee, only those who find the obvious gully can approach my shrine." But I agree, it does sound like a potential microbrew...
  8. Seems like entire cities would qualify. Vail Pass has a nice parking lot which would qualify some for the two-mile club. Now how about the catbirdseat technicalities? Like if oral, do both qualify for the club, or only the 'active' participant? How about a dildo for women, men, or a combination of the two? How about all the scared sheep in Montana or the horse that killed a man a few months ago? More importantly, what is the highest recorded nookie in the world? This is assuming the Apollo missions were uneventful, so to speak...
  9. Linky linky?
  10. Like they say, it's easier to criticize than actually trying to make a difference.
  11. Shomshing is wong. A girl (with a car!) who likes to climb and is offering to buy beer, needs a climbing partner and only one person has replied? Mein got, has the ratio changed this drastically or do cc.commies only read Spray nowadays?
  12. Added skill bonus if it's a cop car full of clowns. Ditto setting the trap off in reverse or with half naked clowns standing within the picture's frame as the clown car speeds through.
  13. Is there something you're trying to compensate for, Josh?
  14. Why oh why would you pull over at this speed? You're doing 146 and see a cop car or your radar detector goes full tilt. You are so hosed anyhow, just keep going. Save for a roadblock or someone waiting ahead, how are you to know you're being pursued? http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003010559_dige22m.html
  15. Just thought I'd throw this out there and see if others would pitch in as to the feasibility of this. How about the tides? I'd guess good beta could be had through sea kayakers. Probably an even better idea to go across in a sea kayak to get a feel. I can see boating/shipping/ferry lanes presenting a big timing/visibility problem... I guess swimming in Lake Washington for training. Triathlete's wetsuit and fins. Assuming stuff sacks for gear flotation, how would you swim with tethered gear? Maybe it's a simple answer, but I wonder about getting entangled. I can see the wetsuit being unbearably hot to run/hike in on the peninsula. That said, given the boating issues and hot neoprene, maybe choosing a typical rainy seattle weather day would be more appropriate? Having friends in kayaks for backup/visibility seems like a good idea, as does a nice eurovan waiting at the trailhead for the return. Something like 40 miles from Green Lake to the top? Maybe around six miles of that is swimming? Insomnia sucks.
  16. http://www.vimff.org/speakers.html Hey so what gives with the events forum? I can't post this in there. So I was browsing the wibbly web and happened upon this by way of reading up on the french spiderman dude. He'll be there with others, check out the website for more details. Seeing as how this is pretty much last-minute notice, I was surprised there wasn't a thread already up.
  17. It's just perspective, Stefan. Some teachers and nurses would be going ape-shit over the administration and their policies, while others see themselves doing a meaningful job. Ditto whether office politics jade you or you take them in stride... a means to an end. Maybe you're just experiencing adrenaline withdrawals and need to rap off some shitty sling in the Enchantments to regain perspective.
  18. Is that a Twark Might, "Look I'm bleeding," photo? If the climbing sucks so bad he can't smile, why give a slideshow on it?
  19. Think of all the past generations the world over that have thought and discussed these same issues. I like that quote from the 1936 Rainier dude.
  20. In order of desperation: Labor Ready : Multiple locations, they'll take most anyone, work today-get paid today. Take home about $35 for a regular shift. Varying degrees of difficulty and better if you have a car. Shuttle Express : If you have a good driving record, this company in Renton hires about 15 drivers per month. After one week of training and two days on the road, you're on your own and take home tips averaging about $40/day. So in a week and a half you'd have cash to take home on a daily basis. Basically minimum wage plus tips. Temp agencies : Look in the yellow pages. They'll do a skills assessment in-house. Don't mention being homeless, just state you're new to the area yadda yadda. Tell them what they want to hear. The downside is the paycheck is usually three weeks out.
  21. This doesn't sound too preventable, other than not going climbing. Using boulders as anchors is an accepted practice. Complacency is one thing, but I think it was just poor luck for three experienced leaders with the Mounties. A refrigerator sized boulder is one big-ass chunk of rock... maybe 6,000 pounds? Just off the top of my head, the last single rap from the beloved Tooth is a slung boulder. The N face of Concorde has a bolted rap station attached to a frickin large boulder resting on a ledge, and assuming this is the same Gary, we rapped off a slung boulder on Sherpa. Ditto the condolences to the friends and family of the deceased. It's depressing to hear about someone getting killed climbing and yet that danger is what lures us.
  22. Or maybe it becomes a joint venture between the two countries to establish a pressurized summit haus, now that a heli can get there. Imagine the revenue they could generate from the masses...
  23. No doubt, surfing the spray section of cc.com whilst at work "your own fucking responsibility"... roflmao I can just see some poor sap unable to minimize or close this odd video as it plays amongst coworkers, etc.
  24. Oh man, here we go again... speed 'records' on Rainier
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