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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. While descending from a leashless 2-day speed ascent of the C-D route on Baker this Sunday, I found a water bottle. Describe it and it's yours (as if I need yet another water bottle...).
  2. Bullshit. It was black as death and I used it to support my weighty testicles at the belay.
  3. Sounds like it could become a popular route!
  4. Nah, that was just a cheap shot. Sure, Kerry and Edwards should take pay cuts proportionate to the time they're spending actually doing Senate work. Sounds fair.
  5. Bush doesn't read his briefings, or can't remember them.
  6. slothrop

    F/ 911

    Oh please, how disingenuous! I see you read the Christopher Hitchens article. Sure, someone would have criticized Bush, whatever his reaction. Barking orders or running out would have obviously been inappropriate. But Bush is supposed to be the Commander-in-Chief, the guy who makes tough decisions, the guy who's LEADING THE COUNTRY. Instead of doing ANYTHING, he sat there doing NOTHING. I know what he should have done: excuse himself politely from the classroom to talk with his advisers. Not difficult, not insulting to anyone. It's the kind of reaction that real leaders make in a crisis. If you don't want to give your money to Michael Moore, come on up to Seattle and I'll pay for your ticket.
  7. Surely one of your partners has photos, then. Cough 'em up!
  8. Bush gutted the Small Business Association's loan programs. Unless by "small business owners" you mean the retired CEOs who now make millions doing consulting and living off their stock options, this single data point makes it hard to support your claim. Small business loans are a pretty fundamental program. http://www.asbanet.org/index.shtml http://www.alternet.org/election04/19001/ Even if you disregard the analysis on these pages as "liberal", the facts remain.
  9. slothrop

    F/ 911

    Despite Moore's use of the usual propaganda-documentary trickiness, a lot of the footage in F9/11 stands for itself and is no different in respect to being "edited" than anything you've ever watched on the TV news. Those who are convinced of Pres. Bush's tough decisiveness should watch just the scenes of when he is told of the 9/11 attacks. Very disappointing.
  10. slothrop


    Any time you want to answer my question, feel free. I am not aware of the "well-known facts" you are pulling out of your (well, someone else's) ass, but I'll be sure to try to find them. Please tell me that you're not saying black folks were better-off prior to LBJ.
  11. slothrop


    Sounds like sour grapes all around. This Rev. Wayne Perryman guy sounds like a piece of work. Blaming lynchings on today's Democrats? Clearly Cheney will have to drop Bush as his running mate and choose Powell instead, in order to "diversify the ticket." Please name one thing that Republicans have done for blacks or Hispanics, directly or indirectly, over the last three administrations. Pinning posthumous Purple Hearts on the dead ones doesn't count.
  12. Awesome! I love that photo of the long runout with the dykes... I think I see iain! Are you guys on the rock there, right next to some snow?
  13. Nice photos, specialed! *drool*
  14. What was the problem? You don't mention what kind of bad customer service you received. And what do you mean by being "literally stared down"? Did your good friend actually, literally, get stared at by the alpha-geek store clerk until he was forced to cower on the ground? You sound like an asshole when you call "the skinny geeky looking long haired guy" a "freak". I don't know where you climb, but I run into people who look like that all the time and it doesn't bother me.
  15. Well, you can listen to the FS or you can listen to a guy who's been there. Full TR here.
  16. Yeah, I can't see some of the gallery pages in FireFox, either (the URLs ending in .cfc) The server hosting your website is configured badly; PM me if you are interested in details of the problem.
  17. A friend of mine exited via Downey Creek last week. In his TR, he said, "most of the trail here is in fine shape, but the riparian zones are overgrown."
  18. slothrop

    Greek Shocker!!

    I bring one of these when I go watch a game.
  19. slothrop

    Greek Shocker!!

    England v. Portugal was a better game and England v. France was sick.
  20. I get that a lot. I think I should show up at a Pub Club one of these days dressed the part and offer moustache rides. Some great mountain photos in this thread, BTW. JoshK's is my favorite so far.
  21. Um, isn't Bush selling out to corporate interests like no other? After-tax corporate profits are at their highest point as a percentage of GDP since 1929 while unemployment is steady, benefits are being cut (like health care), and non-managerial wages aren't keeping up with inflation. At least Kerry has a plan for health care reform that doesn't force old people to pay more and use a more confusing system to get drugs they could get cheaper and easier on the open world market. Being a [loaded word]trial lawyer[\loaded word] doesn't mean you are the Devil Himself.
  22. Huh-huh, "SCOTUS". I guess the First Lady is the FLOTUS, then.
  23. You mean shotgunning? That's me on the left, "enjoying" the aftermath.
  24. slothrop

    Greek Shocker!!

    Great game! Too bad for Portugal, though, they played well the whole tournament.
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