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Everything posted by Cpt.Caveman

  1. I think there's a generation in that part of the world trying to hold on to power. It's the older muslims in power seeing the youngins or newer thinking dudes wanting or embracing the technology. Time will have to work it's wonders there.
  2. Thanks Sooooooo did they cut down the trees up there or what. The subject doesn't jive with what they say in the thread either. I mean isn't a sling attached to the anchor in some cases? Wouldn't that really mean they cut slings OMFG!!
  3. I think it sounds like they are talking about the gulley to the northeast of pineapple pass which is not necessary to rappel. You can downclimb it or even walk around. Even if they did rappel off blocks - I think for the most part removing the stuff might be doing us a favor since it's just as fast to walk around.
  4. I'm all for #2 if you are.
  5. Me either. And outright calling them tools is spray in the biggest fashion. Maybe Radon should edit his trash out before you ask him to add more trash in.
  6. Sometimes people buy things and try to convince themselves later on that it was a good deal or investment. I am guilty of it sometimes too. I think a 140 meter rope could fall into this category. There are better advantages in my opinion to having 2 ropes of each 70m as opposed to one 140m.
  7. The question isn't is it winable. Because if we pumped in enough troops and gave them authority to kick some ass we would win no doubt about that. (whatever win is). The question is - will the US as a country back the sort of resources necessary to make a military win (defined somehow and accepted with some specific goals).
  8. Hello- the glacier on the north side or Orizaba is casual. I think the only crevasse I saw was one inch thick. But this might not apply to other parts of the mountain.. If you have done said climbs without guides above then I would suggest to forego the guide considering you hablo...
  9. The real question is - who were the 3 people with 3 cameras? I took all the photos.
  10. This sounds like the gulley to pineapple pass. If that is true - you can walk around.
  11. Great belly of mine - it's shrunk 20 lbs since may though! Hey I saw will strickland and fern up there too. I kept yelling "Fuck will strickland!!" on one of the summits. I wonder if he heard me haha.
  12. Hey Sky, perhaps that was us you shared a couple raps with on SEWS Sunday? Such an amazing place, what a great introduction to the area. Wish I wasn't so damned sick tho. That was us b-rock
  13. I like green eggs and spam samiam.
  14. I dunno, seems like I read how someone or other got their knickers in a twist over gumbies dropping rocks recently. Is that you?
  15. get over it. They were not the first or last.
  16. "I do actually recall a thread where someone argued hat it was particularly irresponsible or inconsiderate to do so where there are other climbers around. " a great topic! Who's more irresponsible? The dorks trundling goods or the soloist in his element of travel?
  17. should i rope up on red mtn "scramble"? Will I be safer?
  18. This weekend sky and I were soloing. Some dudes trundled rocks (careless). Not a bad idea to wear one sometimes in that situation too.
  19. From the parking lot !! I've witnessed them driving their cars with harnesses, helmets and gaiters (no snow in sight and warm out) before.
  20. What a bunch of bullshit this thread is full of. I'm not going to massage the bad to sound good from a friendly debate. Here's some points I see and plain as day. This is not the sugar coated version. First of all climbing and motorcycling are not the same. I find myself safer when in the hills - EXCEPT in the presence of dorks that are not careful and trundle rocks because they are - YEAH I'M GONNA BE PC INCORRECT - fucking careless idiots. Ok I can forgive a pebble or 2 or maybe a rock once in a while. It's all the beginners or less experienced or careless jackasses that are trundling the rocks most of the time. Please read MUTINEERS that travel in groups for class climbs. Yeah you. Helmets are ok. I'll choose when to wear mine and you yours. Back to the real point - all you losers trundling shit be more fucking careful. That's how you hurt other folks. As far as taking falls with helmets. They help. But there are situations when they don't. A helmet is not always going to save your life. Use it. But stick to your guns- Get out of way when gaper idiots trundle rocks. If they do kick their ass in. Avoid crowded routes where losers are trundling. (beat them there and trundle on them ) Watch your fucking ropes dragging across ledges packed with rocks. Yes you. People might be below. If you can't efficiently walk down a slope or gulley without dislodging big ass hurtful boulders move slower or stay in the gym. If you think you might whipper on low angle rock in the mountains. Don't. Get on an easier route or take up geocaching or something.. later tards
  21. You can wear body armor and coiled springs around yourself while climbing with trampolines to catch a fall, ropes, cams and pro every 3 feet but there is always something that can get you. To sum it up - it's more often that you will find SEVERAL factors that contribute to accidents. Off route, loose rock, wet rock, gear failed, underestimate one's own skills or difficulty of route etc.. Frankly -It wasn't really a question but more of a remark. Whether it was ill intended - very unlikely I suspect.
  22. Cpt.Caveman

    helmet vs. hair

    Helmet 8=====D
  23. I trad climb without helmets and have done some large alpine climbs without them. It depends on the situation.... In fact I have never climbed with a helmet on the Castle Rock formation. I think it's a stretch to call everyone stupid that climbs without them. Especially when you don't have much experience to judge others by.
  24. I think in this situation that was appropriate. Glad to amuse the crowd :-)
  25. Hmm - Insult someone repeatedly and sometimes often personally. Then whine when they claim they will or can kick your ass. No fuckin brainer dumb ass.
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