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Everything posted by Cpt.Caveman

  1. I climb with all sorts of goons. Me being one too. All these losers have their own quirks and opinions how to rack shit. I carry my shit on a sling - that is the pro. Then the draws on a my harness. If partner don't like it he can fuck off and get brown coils dropped on em. For the most part it's never really been an issue that I can remember. But to be honest - I find it faster when most of the stuff is traded off via sling. When carrying the proper amount of rack you wont have much to hand off when it comes time to swap leads many times too. If you do - it might be worth considering that is where you might save some weight AND TIME :-)
  2. Ray, "this place is fucking disgusting sometimes. The moderators are more arrogant than the sprayers. " Its funny you always draw this distinction between moderators and other board members when it suits. I am not a modertor of this forum, I am a climber. Its too bad you don't think that someone who is a moderator could be free-thinking, a climber, and a moderator all at the same time. When it suits? What example have you when a mod here has done anything for me? Other than remove posts that are valid and worthy of discussion many times. If you want we can meet up and discuss in person. Personally I've never liked your tone on this board from the get go and tried to get along. But the truth is that you are somewhat more arrogant than most here and offer beta on shit you don't know about *all the fucking time*. Armchair punter if you ask me. At any rate. I'm back in fine form to shoot the shit. Get used to it.
  3. Are you trying to convince me that she wasnt "more idiots"?
  4. Maybe. Who cares? not me I'm smarter than the beyotch who willingly put herself in that situation to begin with.
  5. Whatever What does free speech zone have to do with getting hair pulled by non law enforcement types?
  6. Yeah but you imply something about free speech and suggestive non follow speaks for itself to suggest the man was behind it. At any rate - fucking hilarious !!
  7. Who said it was "the man" pulling the hair? Nice try
  8. Cool Just In: Bush Heckled In Pa. Speech On Thursday President Bush was heckled by AIDS protesters at the start of his speech in suburban Philadelphia. Left: one activist is apparently pulled by her hair out of the room.
  9. Not acceptable to be "anti bolt" on this web site. Because the majority advocate it here. DARE to be free thinking and you will get your post removed and shoved in spray. Maybe I should bust out the crowbar again. I am feeling feisty and willstrickland is in town. This place is fucking disgusting sometimes. The moderators are more arrogant than the sprayers.
  10. I usually wake up then: Blow a loud smelly fart Then lick my middle finger Stick it in the air and if the wind blows just right I can determine the forecast. I forecast on and off rain for western washington from mid october until april. Usually rain and cloudiness for about 5 days a week. This would equate to snow in the hills starting to noticably accumulate aka freshiez around december until april as well.
  11. Doesnt sound like anyone cut the anchors. Sounds like they cut the slings around them
  12. Interesting. Oh well - either way it's a good time to show a newbie how to make his or her own rap anchor and inspect others.
  13. Post deleted by Off_White
  14. "And I suspect if it were possible to get the facts you'd find out that roughly 1/2-2/3's of the IED casualties to-date have been killed with munitions that easily could have been secured in the first two weeks of the conflict had Rumsfield been remotely interested using adequate force levels initially (more like 250-300k) and had actually managed to bribe the Turks with $32 billion so we could have had a northern front to tackle the Arab conclaves immediately." Agreed except for the numbers 500k if you ask me.
  15. Exactly your example was poor for 2 reasons - it was half false and riddled with holes. And it had not much to do with Iraq. Thanks for clarifying number 2 yourself so I didn't have to :-) But you are making this boring. Later
  16. Ratboy wont give up. He's convinced himself illogically that's not much resistance. lmao Back to the main point you were trying to imply or state - not much resistance. Since when is an entire nation rebelling and invading other territory and sabotaging war objectives like villages to the point of burning them down not much resistance? Wake up dude! Get a clue! For example - If the shiites of Iraq got pissed and invaded Saudi Arabia and burn down Riyadh that might not be much resistance would it
  17. Sounds like a bunch of fuckers were resisting to me!! Nice try though..
  18. For the most part with these multiple major exceptions
  19. Dear JosephH, Of course you think the other definitions because you might be wrong Well anyway if 1000 people dead and over 200k troops for over 12 months in a foreign land duking it out isnt a war then I don't know what is. Get off your high trip! If you think this is the 30th time a dictator "allied" to the US has turned it's back wake the fuck up. It's been happening before the turn of the 20th century to dems and repubs tard. Funny how you fail to mention that part too. Ratboy- I am happy to prod at the inconsistancies for you. I just wanted to make a notice of your poor example. Glad you agreed.
  20. Although I don't disagree with everything you mention. The first thing I do disagree. A conflict is resolved - by wins and losses. If you want to nitpick it to death see below. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=conflict A state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war. A state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash. Psychology. A psychic struggle, often unconscious, resulting from the opposition or simultaneous functioning of mutually exclusive impulses, desires, or tendencies. Opposition between characters or forces in a work of drama or fiction, especially opposition that motivates or shapes the action of the plot.
  21. That's exactly what happened during the middle years of the Roman Empire. The newly conquered territories, for the most part, didn't put up much of a resistance because they knew they would be better off as a Roman province. Up until the Christian era, provinces were allowed to worship their own gods and have their own cultures as long as they paid taxes to the Empire and acknowledged the Roman gods. Even some of the barbarian tribes, specifically the Vandals and Visigoths, just wanted to be accepted as Romans. year 52 roman empire. These guys didn't want to accept shit. The revolt in Gaul, in which tribes for the first time acted in concert, had soon taken hold of half the country. ... Vercingetorix detested the Romans..... He represented the national cause. He was joined by many tribes - the Senones, Parisii, Pictones, Cadurci, Turoni, Aulerci, Lemovices, and Andes... The gallic army invaded the Roman province of Tansalpina.. set fires to towns that could not be defended.
  22. Yep we bypassed the party of 3 by tunneling through that chimney thing. Nice to see so many Horregonians up in our territory enjoyin the granite. Those poor dogs were cold up there.
  23. How come that one dude has one pant leg on? Which one is you?
  24. We went to Reyes' place. Then he started talking about reading all the rules on some board. And we saw that we would have a sharing space with others. Noisy noisy noisy. We up and left and stayed with Limon. We don't like rules. Then we got our own room - quiet secluded as well and cooked meals.
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