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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. And all the other fees for his companions. He can pay for an entire group and not put a dent in his wallet....or he could use the money to buy enough vaccines for a small country in Africa to save some lifes....ahhh. Life choices.
  2. I saw it on television this morning. Not pretty when they were giving the guy CPR. RIP
  3. What if I use a finger?
  4. Stefan

    4 more years of...

  5. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    How can Libertarians get Democrats and Republicans to realize that they don't have a claim on my income to give to others? Run for office as a Libertarian. Change the system. Oh wait, you wouldn't get elected. I wonder why that is?
  6. That is probably right. There sure are a lot of lesbians.
  7. Lawgoddess answer me this question. When I was a strappin teenager (almost 20 years ago) I went to several dance clubs. I noticed girls laying on the outside assuming they wanted to dance but were never asked. So I asked them. They always turned me down! Now why would a person go to a dance club and not dance? so you think that just because a person goes to a dance club they should want to dance with just anyone? i'm not trying to be a bitch, but i would rather dance alone than with some strange guy i'm not interested in - no matter what he looks like. Ummmm.....I don't know old you are. About 20 years ago if you danced with yourself you were considered weird.. nowadays that is stigma no longer applies. So the culture was that you came to a dance club to dance or maybe pick up on somebody. These girls would come to the dance club by themselves (in a group), leave with themselves (in a group), and never dance.
  8. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    Not true at all. At best this is a generalization. You cannot tell me that the democrats put up a strong candidate. This is the real erason that Bush got re-elected. You cannot deny it as well as I cannot prove it until you understand the feelings of everyone. You are not the speaker for everyone. This is an opinion from my observation. I do know both parties used fear.
  9. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    Basic truth in 2004 election: Fear is a motivation for an action. This is how a lot of people voted. Fear. Some voted for hopes, dreams, and job performance, but mostly people voted for certain candidates because they were sold on the campaign of fear--and they did not know they were being sold on the campaign of fear.
  10. Lawgoddess answer me this question. When I was a strappin teenager (almost 20 years ago) I went to several dance clubs. I noticed girls laying on the outside assuming they wanted to dance but were never asked. So I asked them. They always turned me down! Now why would a person go to a dance club and not dance? I wasn't ugly and I wasn't good looking either. Just average from what my friends who were girls told me. (I hope they weren't lying...including my wife)
  11. Try this as the best pickup line I heard on the radio this morning. "How about this time next year we will be laughing together as much as we are doing right now?"
  12. Try northern Pakistan. No politics there. I heard they have little granite spires there too in a little area called the Karakorum.
  13. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    You remind me of Britney Spears when Michael Moore had her in his movie Fahrenheit 911 What? Me no understand. Watch the movie. You will understand then. It won't work on writing becuase I can't do voice inflection or get the same feeling.
  14. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    You remind me of Britney Spears when Michael Moore had her in his movie Fahrenheit 911
  15. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    You remind me of Britney Spears when Michael Moore in his movie Fahrenheit 911
  16. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    It is indeed, but so to is teh assertation that we did it solely for the money or the oil. Research on "The Hawks" and their modified dominoe theory after the Vietnam War. We did not go into Iraq solely for the money or oil, but for a world order "The Hawks" believe in. Iraq is their testing ground. Research it.
  17. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    "Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." Hermann Georing, spoken at the Nuremberg Trials, 1947
  18. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    I agree. But no one understands..."The Hawks". Rumsfeld is part of what Washington insiders call "The Hawks" -- a think tank. These people were the most notable of the original Hawks: Cheney Rumsfeld George Schultz Paul Wolfowitz The think tank follows a somewhat modified "dominoe theory" of communism that came out of the Vietnam war which many of the above were somewhat involved in. They recruited George Bush around 1998 to help their cause to get into power becuase they knew none of them could get voted. George Bush is just a figurehead to get their foreign policies through. Research it.
  19. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    Umm...Do not discount the innocent lives of the Iraqi people. I think there were something like 10,000 deaths (estimates by Pentagon) that were the result of American actions. I am not counting former Iraq Military / current terrorist acts. Estimates of Iraquis killed by Saddam exceeds 1,000,000 people. And the U.S. contributes to the loss.... I guess you believe a couple thousand innocent lives killed by the U.S. is worth it.
  20. Stefan

    4 more years of...

    Umm...Do not discount the innocent lives of the Iraqi people. I think there were something like 10,000 deaths (estimates by Pentagon) that were the result of American actions. I am not counting former Iraq Military / current terrorist acts.
  21. Rumsfeld is part of what Washington insiders call "The Hawks" -- a think tank. These people were the most notable of the original Hawks: Cheney Rumsfeld George Schultz Paul Wolfowitz The think tank follows a somewhat modified "dominoe theory" of communism that came out of the Vietnam war which many of the above were somewhat involved in. They recruited George Bush around 1998 to help their cause to get into power becuase they knew none of them could get voted. George Bush is just a figurehead to get their foreign policies through. Research it.
  22. Stefan

    The Dead Vote

    And what about those of us who have to have to travel for work? What about those citizens who married a Parisian hottie and living in Paris? What about armed service personnel living abroad? I like the absentee voting. It takes one less person out of a car and using gas.
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