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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. texplorer

    Bear v Shark

    Axel, of course. When he decides not to show up his fans will be so enraged they'll take down the whole arena including Mustaine.
  2. texplorer

    Bear v Shark

    Probably one of the best CC.com post ever. Answer-Shark wins in the 6th round
  3. Another tail of a suicide coffee drinker.
  4. The weather-o-meter has been stuck on suck this year. This weekend is another good example. Beautiful during the week and the rain for the weekend . . even at Smith!
  5. What happened to the days when at midnight on 4/20 someone posted a pic of a blunt and mentioned something about maryjane? What happened to bolting debates? what happened to Muir Hut epic feuds? What happened to Muffy, Pope, Erik, Eric, Arick, The Capt'n, Alex, Agent Orange, and whole crew that used to post real stuff about climbing or total BS? What happened to spraying everyone? Where has my old CC.com gone?
  6. It's probably doable but will be a buttkick to get up there.
  7. The alternative is a Smoot guide
  8. Correction #1: It's only 13.5 hours from here Correction #2: The section of rock I'm hoping to be on has enough overhang to get 2000ft of spraytime before hitting anything solid.
  9. Yes Dru, gay marriage could become legal and the Candadian Dollar might someday become equal to the USD.
  10. As Napoleon Dynamite would say, "Your a Freakin' Idiot."
  11. My bankroll percludes travel to such places so I'll just go do another "local" A4 until someone wants to sponser a trip to Patygonorrea, Pakistan, or Mongolia.
  12. I still have the best pic. I think I deserve the Grand Order of the Horsecock Prize for Best Future Chestbeat.
  13. I'll be here!!!
  14. News Headlines 4/20/05 A man the authorities are calling "Ivan" was arrested today in his vancouver, WA home. Fed agents with a warrant for his arrest busted down his door to find the fee-fighting delinquent toking away on his 3 ft bong. "Ivan" was purportedly heard exclaiming something about it being four and twenty something. President Bush has said that these wilderness fee-fighters are al-queda's newest arm. The fee-fighters, according to homeland security agents, are threatening the morals of the country. They have said if these people continue to not pay fees social security will collapse, oil prices will skyrocket, and Christian right wingers could lose their chokehold on the country. In efforts to stymy these individuals they have been cracking down on individuals like "Ivan." He will be serving 5 years in a minimum security prison in guantanamo bay and will be forced to watch the martha stewart channel at least 3 hours a day followed by questioning of the wherabouts of Osama Bin Laden. He is still awaiting a second trial addressing confiscation of the bale of marijuana found at his premise.
  15. "Index gives Seattle climbers a little taste of Yosemite," local climber Mike Layton said. "And it offers us a chance to train for the steep alpine routes found in the Cascades." Is this the same Mike Layton with the velcro gloves?
  16. As far as climbing goes, Yosemite and Boulder kick washington's ass. Yes, we have some good climbing up here but show me 3000ft vertical walls of clean granite. Yes, WA has good cragging but Boulder has 10x what we have within 30 min of town. Granted that WA has good alpine but if your talking vertical climbing Yos is THE place in the lower 48.
  17. I like the blurred out face.
  18. Alex Huber Speed Ascent Big Walls Redpoint of sport .14's Redpoint of trad .13's Freed Many El Cap routes Soloed multi-pitch 5.12 Freed climbed hard grades at Altitude
  19. I've taken a bus but it'll take all damn day, then you swith over at the border and catch another one to Monterrey. From the station there you can catch another bus that'll take you to Hidalgo Nuevo Leon and you can walk the two miles up to the campgrounds. The bus from the border (Laredo) to Monterrey is about 25-30 bucks and the bus from Monterrey to Hidalgo Nuevo Leon is about 2 bucks. You can also get a taxi to take you from the station in Hidalgo to take you to the campground but be sure to bargain the price.
  20. Is that Allen Steck, Scottp?
  21. Much shorter hair now. Ha ha ha ha Not the same guy.
  22. um nope, The grungy mountain guy is also a desert rat. . .
  23. Ok, so the salathe pic wasn't so cryptic. Not Messner though.
  24. Ok here's a few more legends. Name the old guy on the right
  25. OK, same two guys in pics 1 and 2 and another legend with them.
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