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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. I have an extra pass that I will not use for Meadows. $25.00 obo. Hit me up with a PM can meet anywhere in PDX or drop it in the mail. Good through the end of the season any day of the week. FYI, Lift passes are $49.00 at the mountain.
  2. No, I went to Sewanee (University of the South) down in Tennessee, but grew up in Roanoke and both parents went to Va Tech, so by association, I am a Hokie. My parents still have season tickets for football and head down every weekend from Smith Mountain Lake for the games and tailgating....Almost went there for grad school but chose oregon instead. Hokie! Hokie! Hokie! Hi ! Tech, Tech, VPI!
  3. Any climbers in the market for a new house?
  4. Also U of O has a great outdoor program that you should definiteyl get involved with once you get to Eugene and climbing at the indoor wall is right up the streeet from the architecture building..
  5. I may agree with some of your points but not all of them. I am a gunowner (shotguns for hunting ducks and geese, upland birds) but even if handguns were bannedb or all guns were really hard to get a hold of, it is just as easy to make a pipe bomb and cause serious damage. You don't have to use cutting or blugeoning instruments for this. If people are angry enough, they will find a way. This incident was pldanned this is not some random spontaneous thing......I am from Roanoke and this hits really close to home.....I pray for the friends ands families.
  6. Thanks to everyone who responded and helped oppose this bill. I wrote my Rep. but there are those out there who did a whole lot more. Climbers united on this and we were able to not let legislation get in our way or regulate us into the ground. This will happen over and over in our climbing lives and we have to do everything possible to ensure that the next bill or law does not infringe on our freedoms to climb when and where we want (within reason) and how we climb. Thanks again Rocky, the Access Fund, all SAR folks who opposed this, and everyone who was in the trenches fighting the good fight.
  7. If you like offwidth cracks, Vedauwoo is the place, although not near the Tetons and Devil's tower. It is south. You can stay at Climber's Ranch inside the park and may be able to find partners there. You probably won't be able to drive through Yellowstone (the shortest distance between the Tetons and getting over to Devil's Tower, but will likely have to go south and around and north. I'd check WYDOT and the park service to see if Yellowstone roads are open all the way over the pass at the East Entrance that will take you into Cody.
  8. One day climbs this early in the Tetons may be pressing it. Even two day climbs unless stuff up in Death Canyon is open. I wouldn't try one of the peaks unless you were going for something like Midle and S. Teton walk-ups. Devil's tower will have some great climbs and if you luck out with weather, it can be a great time to climb. Obviously you will need a partner for this. Have fun!
  9. If you are going with trask, you will need a 20mm rope, for all other attempts, you can use an 8 or 9mm (ice floss) at 40 to 50 meters or so......
  10. Birds can fly higher. I've seen small birds on Denali at over 14k.
  11. Glad that Dean was dropped and anyone who supported it. Dean was not the first to climb Delicate Arch nor will he be the last, but hopefu lly no one is so stupid as to document it and then send out press releases. I won't boycott patagonia, but I will boycott Davis' slideshow. Just because something isn't illegal doesn't make it o.k. Similar to Dean's trashing the crag with fixed gear for over a year last year up in Tuolumne. Other climbers had to go in there and take out tons of gear that was simply trashed and left by Dean. One with nature, for sure..... He brought un-needed attention to the climbing community as a whole which will now will face stricter regs. in other areas of the park and maybe in the desert Southwest. Just because it is not happening at your favorite crag or roadtrip spot, doesn't mean that it won't in the future. Bad press for climbers is all lumped together and not bound by parks or between federal agencies. Bad news for reported about a climber in Utah is bad for the climbing community as a whole. Non-climbers are not going to be able to differentiate.
  12. You double-posted so see my comments on your exact same thread on the other page...
  13. How about an Avy transceiver, probe pole, and snow shovel for starters............these aren't groomers you will be riding! You can find info on avalanche conditions Here Secondly, know how to use your equipment. See the story from the latest Mt. Hood rescue. South Side, depending on which route you do, is not very technical and is probably a good first volcano climb. As long as the people you are going with have some experience you could be alright. Most important thing is to listen to yourself and only do what feels comfortable. if you feel like you are in over your head, turn around. Otherwise have fun and be safe. No one can tell you f you are ready for a trip up S. Sister except you.
  14. Actually, being in the water business, look at companies that deal more with infrastructure that provide water. There are water market indexes you can purchase. The main issue facing the majority of the world is a failing water delivery system. Desal is just the tip of the iceberg - pun intended- but with over 60% of our nation's water utilites in dire need of replacement, look for companies that are into couplings, fittings, piping,etc. GE is getting into it (as well as desal) and it is not that farlll-fetched to think of our public water supplies becoming privatized. Desal is speculation at this point, but infrastructure is a requirement. My two cents.
  15. I will try to make it Erden! haven't seen ya since Talkeetna! been way too long!
  16. Trip: Spring in the Wallowas - Date: 4/1/2007 Trip Report: Me and two friends set our compass due east to head to the land of big mountains and dry snow. Who says your only option this time of year is corn skiing?! We left Friday after work - one on AT, one on tele, and one on his new Voile split board. We hit the McCully Basin TH at about midnight and set up for a parking lot bivy. After an early alpine start, we hit the trailhead around 11am,under clear skies, and full of fresh coffee (Matt Wills is a total coffee snob). We hit the basin after an easy 4 mile skin in and set up camp and soon left for some nice fresh turns. We hit some untracked lines and were treated to about 7-8" of fresh pow. Are you kidding me? This is April! We skied until about 7:30 pm before heading all the way back to camp, fixed dinner, and then watched Episodes of South Park on Matt's iPod before turning in. It snowed that night another two inches of fresh but we awoke to blue skies and fresh snow. We skinned up after we played a few April Fool's jokes on each other and ripped it up again. Finally, it got a little warm and we decided to ski the whole way out the 4 miles back to the trailhead. The snow was getting warm and we had to shed a few layers to stay cool. Unfortunately Terminal Gravity was closed, but we did see some wildlife in the canyon between Wallowa and Elgin. All in all a great weekend with great friends and with fresh powder in April. We even met a guy from Utah who said the snow here was better than anything he's skied in the last three years out of Salt Lake. Can't beat the Wallowas!
  17. I just picked up a pair of Atomic Tacoras 06/07 model for $231.00! Cheapest anywhere on the internet and portland. Everyone else is selling the 05/06 model for about $100.00 more. They were on sale at bent gate in CO. I skied in the Wallowas all weekend this past weekend and they were awesome! Highly recommended all-mountain ski and fat enough to float (113, 80, 105). They retail for $525.
  18. It depends on what you are climbing. I did have plastics but never used an overboot. Only gaitors. It can get cold, but not Denali or Himalayas cold TYPICALLY.
  19. Hey I found some cams and assorted nuts on "Party and Your Pants" yesterday. I took them with me so someone wouldn't steal them. I live in PDX and you can come and get them. Not sure when I will be back up that way as I am heading out of town for two weeks tonight. PM me and we can work something out.
  20. Yup. That is Red's place. i camp there (or used to, not this year!)every year and take my drift boat. Easy o trailer your baot up and drift back to camp. great fly-fishing for rainbows on that River. Like the Deschutes but less crowded -still. Actually one of the architects is a long-time poster on cc.com! There is a ton of development, tha is true, but being so close to Seattle, what did you expect?
  21. I'll hold you to it! Thanks Scheissami. Well said. I am sure a lot of this frustration is stemming from the regulation. I have "attacked" Matty and his group out of frustration that the two groups (December and March) were not understood by the media to be two totally different events and that Matty's group brought additional attention, when it could have been prtevented, in a time that could not have been worse. And I am sure that Matty's group is getting the brunt of this frustration because they are a pretty easy target. Thanks for the great insight. I will see if I can move some things around tonight to make it. Ryland
  22. One, there is no way you would kick my ass. I've seen pictures of you. Two, I can support PMR with check in the mail or at a slide show. Don't need to support the glorification of recreational darwinism.
  23. Then why didn't Matty and his friends go down to Salem and testify against the MLU regulation in front of the Legislature? I can open my wallet to PMR with a check and envelope and 39 cent stamp without having to go support the feel-good cause and pretend like everything is o.k. since they are doing the fundraiser for PMR......te ype as encouraged and partly Matty and his friends fault. Going on the Ellen D. show? Did they onc say anything about how the MLU legislation was bad or clarify that what they did was stupid, they did not have the skills to be out, and it was their fault they did not get off the mountain under their own power? No.
  24. After the latest news I think I will just send a check to PMR directly instead of going to the LL. I have trouble going to a "benefit" hosted by the ones who are actually partially responsible for PMR to go on more rescues then before and place them in more potential danger.......Maybe the benefit theme can be, "raise money for PMR's new MLU Fund, needed for increased rescues on Mt. Hood due to the passing of HB 2509." You could even get Matty and Co. up on stage to thank all of those for supporting PMR and encourage those in attendance to give even more with PMR needing it to help with all of the expected new calls for rescue when someone pulls their MLU.
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