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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. Haven't heard from Trask in a while. So maybe that is where he dissappeared to! Dru, I think it is a bald dude. Is Trask bald?
  2. ryland_moore


    Actually, All it took was Google images and the search for butt crack! Sorry if I went too far. The office is getting to me and need to get rid of some energy.
  3. Actually, All it took was Google images and the search for butt crack! Sorry if I went too far. The office is getting to me and need to get rid of some energy.
  4. ryland_moore


    TR: I was climbing up this sweet hand crack and thought I was on route until the crack started to get extremely thin. Pretty soon my fingers were too big for the crack and my last piece of pro was about 20 feet below me and questionable. To make a last ditch effort at not taking a huge whipper, I completed a nose jam. This allowed me to get a micro nut in and send the rest of the pitch to an anchor. I estimate this was a first (and probably last) ascent and I will call it White Whale 5.10 A0 X
  5. TR: I was climbing up this sweet hand crack and thought I was on route until the crack started to get extremely thin. Pretty soon my fingers were too big for the crack and my last piece of pro was about 20 feet below me and questionable. To make a last ditch effort at not taking a huge whipper, I completed a nose jam. This allowed me to get a micro nut in and send the rest of the pitch to an anchor. I estimate this was a first (and probably last) ascent and I will call it White Whale 5.10 A0 X
  6. ryland_moore


    You asked for it! [ 10-09-2002, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: ryland moore ]
  7. ryland_moore


    quote: lusting after granite is a very common occurrence among women climbers. I hereby declare my new name 'granite' !!!
  8. quote: lusting after granite is a very common occurrence among women climbers. I hereby declare my new name 'granite' !!!
  9. [ 10-09-2002, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: ryland moore ]
  10. A really cute girl named Janice should be out there - all 5'2" of her. Another girl named Suzanne, and Kim. They will be hanging with Kimble and another buddy of mine Jesse. Look for a blue? Passat Wagon. They left last night. Funny thing, Erik. Kimble was climbing out in Rifle this summer when the Cutthroat accident occurred and his partner is really close friends with your buddy who fell on Cutthroat. y'all have a blast. Wish I could go. "There's a tear in my beer....." Leaving to hang with the rattlesnakes and steelhead....until Monday! Rock out with yo cock out!
  11. Oh and I know of a few hotties who are single and will be out from Eugene this weekend. ALthough kind of depressing to our manhood when they are flying up hard .12s and can pound a PBR tallboy faster than me!
  12. Hey Erik, You turning sporto? Well, definitely try Chicken McNuggets (5.10b) and Vomit Launch (5.11b) up Cocaine Gully - they are side by side. Also check out Bluelight Special (5.11a) if there is not a line on it! Look for my buddy Kimble to set up the giant king swing off Scarface in CHristian Brothers area in the evening. I've only pursuaded him to do it once, but for a tin of Skoal Straight, he will usually crack under his nicotene addiction and set it up. Damn, wish I was going! Anyone wanna go in two weekends (20th)? What about November?
  13. Two summers ago while hiking the loop trail off of WA Pass that takes you up Ross lake and around Jack Mt. and back down to WA Pass to the East, there was a 5th class (at most) route that had white spray paint with arrows and huge anchors you could hang a truck off of. The peak's name escapes me, but it was the last peak before descending down the switchbacks to the eastern trailhead off the trail loop. Don't have my topos with me now, but will try to find out. There is a small lake just east of the peak. The route, which goes up the South side was approached via a trail from the lake, was easy scrambling. Pretty uneventful for only a couple hundred feet or so. You could see other peaks, including Jack, as well as WA Pass and it was around 8,000' Anyone know this route or mountain?
  14. Y'all better get there early if you going to stay at the Grasslands. Have talked to a party of sportos numbering 20 from Eugene and they said huge group from Corvallis and Portland will be there as well. First weekend since May with cool temperatures in the forecastand first weekend back for college students as well! Heading to the Deschutes to fish for steelhead. Y'all have a blast!
  15. I already told you, SK, I can't come this weekend!
  16. Happy B-Day CC.com Thanks J and T. I have wasted over $22,831.26 of my company's money on this site!
  17. quote: "2 years ago today, the spray began. What the fuck happened?" 27 years ago today, I popped out. I have heard my Mom say many times, "What the fuck happened?" and my Dad replying, "Can you put it back in?"
  18. That might be a possibility. Let me check with Pete A and see if the 6th guy committed (2 teams of 3). PM me if you are serious.
  19. What length would ya rec? ANy specific skis in mind?
  20. Anyone have a suggestion on which to buy for a Denali trip next spring? Will be using the bindings with 183cm K2 Merlin IVs and Koflach Artic Expe boots. Will the 505s work with these boots or should I just stay with the 500s? No comments like, "Randonee: Short for can't tele." I do tele (although I suck and have skied since I was 4) but can't fathom the feeling of having to make turns with a full pack and sled. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  21. Hey Trask, Don't you mean we saw, we climbed (on), we came?
  22. The fact that you think my article was an attack, as you state, on those climbers heading up the South Side shows that you too, read only what you want, and hear only what you want to hear. That was far from an attack on anyone, but more of a realization, that there will continue to be more and more people in the mountains, we are going to share them, and if you or I or any other climber wants to continue to do it without regs. coming down the pipe, then we damn well better be sure that our buddies, friends, partners who are trying out climbing for the first time are learning properly. When was the last time you said something to someone who was belaying improperly? If you are not helping others and trying to solve an issue that will be in our back yards over the next few years, then you are only part of the problem. It's Friday and I'm leaving work early. Is that Chestbeating? Y'all have fun up in L-worth.
  23. They help me procratinate and avoid my daily work routine. Let me think about the weekends.
  24. I totally disagree with you chuck. I don't count Chestbeating as sending out trip reports. Maybe some do. I think of that as sharing info. Chestbeating to me is more on an "I'm better than you" approach. Or Look what I can do and you can't mentality. Not about climbing some route that has been done many times and sending out a trip report that contains the latest conditions on a given route. Maybe there are new routes established and reports written about them, but I, like you, think that is a good thing. I guess I think there are many types of Chestbeating, I just disagree with the type that belittles others. I am sure everyone is guilty of it without realizing it too. I know I have caught myself and been caught. I don't send out trip reports on routes that hundreds of people have done and I am definitely not out there trying to send new hard lines in the Cascades. I will contribute if someone asks questions about current route conditions and I was on it recently.
  25. Don't cut on women who can't look as pretty as you are without all the expensive boob jobs and fakeness. JK is a lucky man. Not all women are as lucky. Am I getting brownie points SK? Hopefully, cause I'm really trying to get on the SK's good side, so I will have an "in" with her friend!
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