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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I remember when there was no Castle Rock. Only a bunch of dinosaurs. They all took a dump on the same site one day and CR was born.
  2. Why did the gaper call his dog Herpes? Cause he wouldn't heel.
  3. Dru

    Saving Weight

    hey mike, climbing mag was better when you edited it man.
  4. An Englishman and a Scot are out walking in the countryside and come across a sheep that is stuck halfway through a fence with its forelegs on one side and hind legs on the other. Oh my! says the Englishman. Scot looks around. No one else around. Up goes his kilt, around to the back he goes and fornicates the sheep good. Arrr that was good, says the Scot. Yourr turn mate. Oh I couldnt possibly says the Englishman. Oh go on mate says the Scot. Its just the two of us out here and I wont tell. Well, all right says the Englishman. He takes off his pants, gets down on his hands and knees and puts his head and arms through the fence....
  5. dru n'existe pas.
  6. just as long as it isnt a substance like toe jam... "i think you got some snatch jam on your chin there..."
  7. quote: Originally posted by sayjay: Ah but the key question is: DOES HE TRAD CLIMB? looks like just bouldering in the pix but whoknows dude could send 5.12 offwidth for all i know. HOWEVER imagine the shock when i saw the caption. 'rachel and jason [ i think thats his name...] babkirk'. immediately scanning the text to see if she's MARRIED and then it says "her brother jason" somewhere. WHEW!!!
  8. Aw she still has dark roots. Its an obvious die job. You know what they call brown hair dye for blondes: "artificial intelligence" The same mag has some pictures of her brother so the ladies have a heartthrob too! Even tho he has skanky facial hair
  9. All- bear pub club. In offWhites back yard. Come as bear as you dare.
  10. ooh look at that clean solid granite
  11. quote: Originally posted by dyno merchant: quote:Originally posted by Dru:
  12. erik is technically correct but jon is the one who gave the most accurate answer.
  13. train falcons to hunt ticks. then falcons will flourish, ticks will be exterminated, and everyone but Bug is happy.
  14. If someone calls and says they have your keys, don't tell them where you live. They might come by when you aren't home and help themselves to your stuff.
  15. Bronco if I read you right you just admitted you got spanked by a guy wearing black leather... my only question is... did he have one of those black leather masks with the zipper mouth too? And are you a 'bottom' all the time or do you get to do the spanking sometimes too??? thanx for sharing
  16. sk - if you wanna see what its REALLY like to have me stalk you online change your name to erik. i will spray anyone anytime anywhere. unless you are jordop cause then i just ignore you. jordop
  17. Smarter than the average bear to run away from trask. Just think what woulda happened if trask caught him or her I used to see black bears every time I went hiking up the Black Mountain trail. It go so I'd say to whoever i was hiking with "we are gonna see a bear around this corner of the trail" and we would. Good thing is black bear weighs about as much as a big human so you dont need a super strong armour suit like you do for Grizzlies (if you never seen Project Grizzly the movie you might be right about now)
  18. Hey you should post that pic on www.bivouac.com.
  19. Dru

    ice axe arrest

    if you dont know how to spam, better learn now. i am willing to inform for a fee. send money now.
  20. It's true, lok in the latest Issue of ROCK AND ICE and you will see that Rachel Babkirk has gone blonde!!! Rumor has it she did it after getting 1000's of mushy letters from erik informing her that he "dug brunetz"[sic]
  21. "man made brick walls" How do you know a Woman didn't make them???
  22. Dru

    Kick Jack Kenoff?

    ya if you are looking for some action i heard.... Dan Larson Sux!!!
  23. quote: Originally posted by dyno merchant: quote:Originally posted by Dru: ???? Bouldering guides are lame anyways. You see a problem you try it. If you can climb it fine if not then no worries. Recording bouldering first ascents is even dumber. I say all a 'bouldering guide' should have is a name and a STAR RATING!!! for each problem Route guides are lame anyways. You see a route you try it. If you can climb it fine if not then no worries. Recording route first ascents is even dumber. I say all a 'route guide' should have is a name and a STAR RATING!!! for each route. (if it works for bouldering then it works for routes...why is one more worthy of a guide than another? The size of the rock your climbing? Where does it start and end...) Bouldering has no consequences for failure and hence does not require as much info as, say, a 15 pitch route that you cannot scope out from the base.
  24. Canucks Lost Ray owes me beer Was going to solo a route in Cheam Range but decided to bail around 2pm on Saturday after looking at scary cornices. Went to Squamish & did some routes in evening. Next day Fern and I did Echelon. sketchelon is the longst route on the Chief. it must be about 22 pitches from bottom of apron to top of Echelon. of the top 15 pitches once you cross the gully about 5 pitches or so are good rock and the other 10 are tree climbing and thrashing and the odd slab. Kris Wild is scrubbing the thing (orig. climbed 1960's) but looks like he needs to work for about 3 more years and get a backhoe up there. Oh yeah I fell out of mud groove onto an old TCU and it held, then i lowered on it and it blew out its cam stop pins and umbrellad and pulled. and i fell 5 feet onto my next piece that held.
  25. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by Off White: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by trask: I'm gonna drive up there this weekend to drink Mad Dog and chase BC skirts. You mean Red Dog? You ever seen what happens if you turn that logo upside down??? Ummm, the beer runs out into your lap?No, the dog logo turns into a picture of Batman muffdiving.
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