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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Ray - you up for Pagoda next year?
  2. quote: Originally posted by salbrecher: If the rangers use the boat to rescue people I can see, but not just to go fishing for fun. And how do you expect me to "mellow out and relax" when a sensative alpine lake is slowly being destroyed DAMN RIGHT STOP THOSE CIVIL SERVANTS FROM HAVING FUN... TAKE AWAY THEIR COMPUTERS SO THEY CANNOT SPRAY ON THE INTERNET... TAKE AWAY THEIR SUVs GUNS AND POWER BOATS... MAKE THEM WORK HARD THEY ARE ALL FAT AND LAZY Do they or do they not still land floatplanes in that lake? If they have a powerboat on that lake for rescues, it will be used for fishing - guaranteed. I once saw a guy portaging a canoe up the Rubble Creek trail, he had a case of Extra Old Stock in each hand... You know that all the fish in Garibaldi are stocked, right?
  3. Dru

    Snaffle/Legal Question

    i have heard squirrel pie is a popular dish down South. probably with maynonnaise icing
  4. Dru

    Fela is King

    Whale meat is full of PCbs and dioxins. Thats why the Makah had to stop hunting the gray whales. are you suggesting we poison the poor?
  5. Dru

    Fela is King

    Go buy a CD of Whale music cause SPRINGER REUNITES WITH HER POD
  6. Ya but try getting those rangers to arrest themselves... mellow out, relax, its quite a big lake and it could be you they would be rescuing with that powerboat.
  7. You should call the route NORTH FACE OF THE EIGER for confusement purposes
  8. Red Monk: you are obviously thin skinned and neurotic about attending a Canadian Bible school as noted by your elaborate responses. Chill out and smoke sum of that weed you aspire to. there is nothing wrong with Bible School except that everyone i have EVER met who went there has been defensive about attending it!! "It's not a Bible School it's a CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY"
  9. Dont forget to visit GODZILLA HOMEPAGE they are reviewing BodyBeat this week!
  10. West Coast Trail has been run end to end in about 14 hours.
  11. Ray you could get to Rusty on foot in 2 days (maybe not with Fred along) but why bother if you have a job and have the cash to spend? If you fly in you can take more beers Rusty is Schweeeeet! Rusty is thhe one on the left and the east summit is on the left of that. Did you call your route the Beckey/Borbon?
  12. Dru

    Dru's Place

    The only Avatar I have is Trask.
  13. Dru

    Fear issues

    quote: Originally posted by sayjay: i fear dru showing up at a seattle pub club and making me laugh so hard that i spew beer out my nose. you are gonna have to wait till fall ropeup or whatever.
  14. Dru

    Fear issues

    quote: Originally posted by sk: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by sk: not quite I did however do my first lead with my best friend christ how old do you think I am????/ My grandmother threw her panties at tom jones sheesh Maybe I would throw my thong at the lead singer of Nicleback though Nickleback = "bread rock". what was that???? i think we may be experiencing a Language barrier Please explain A few months back Matthew Good got in a verbal brawl with NB when he described Creed, Nickleback, etc. as "bread rock" - just doing their hard workin' rock thing and the music is like a loaf of 60% whole wheat, every slice is indistinguishable and tastes the same. I think its funny cause I woulda put Matt Good Band in the same category.
  15. quote: Originally posted by erik: quote:Originally posted by Alex: erik is JERRY SANCHEZ!! hardly uli....erik is erik....now if jerry wished he were me he can join the "i wish i were erik" fan clib....trask is the pres and gregw is vp, drul was treasurer but he kept devaluing the club bank account switching american green backs for canyuckidan brown money....he has been demoted to janitor of the club house.... i quit the fan club, i didnt like the NO GIRLZ IN CLUBHOUSE rule. although I understand why Erik insisted on it...once he gets the opeation done he will allow chix into his hallowed clubhouse again without having to worry about ading to his paternity sheet... 6 younguns under the age of 3 is enough and im sorry he didnt do it sooner instead of passing on his Tacoma-riddled bad seed...talk about negative eugenics.
  16. Dru

    Fear issues

    quote: Originally posted by sk: not quite I did however do my first lead with my best friend christ how old do you think I am????/ My grandmother threw her panties at tom jones sheesh Maybe I would throw my thong at the lead singer of Nicleback though Nickleback = "bread rock".
  17. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: quote:Originally posted by Attitude: So Dr. Flash Amazing is neither? Nope, Dr. Flash Amazing is all of the above. It's a superhero/alter ego scenario, kind of like Superman/Clark Kent or something, but without the twee outfit. Ya I bet you are smart enough to wear your underwear INSIDE your tights... but you get VPL that way
  18. CRIKEY That cat's no pussy, mate!
  19. see any cougars up there?
  20. quote: Originally posted by RedMonk: who says i'm the bible school type...my first grade sunday school teacher would dissagree... sorry i blew your cover but you told us how you're going to school in Langley, it wasn't that hard to figure out...
  21. quote: Originally posted by Juan: The Zoo is the only bar in Seattle where one could get stoned regularly with the owner (Seymour, I think, in 1985 at least) in the balcony section. Used to be a great bar where you could buy and smoke weed freely upstairs. Now Erik, doessn't that make you want to come to PC tonight? Juan Now Dan and Scotty aren't gonna show up, John!!!!
  22. quote: Originally posted by RedMonk: this is fucking amazing...i get home form index and you tools have written 4 pages on some post i made about some pussies gang raping a classic...holy fuck...just wanted to make the point that 7-8 people top roping a 40 meter climb 2 times a piece was gettin pretty selfish and you people just start ripping on people... your next live will be spent reicarnated as large piles of shit...thus sayeth the monk.... "gang raped by pussies" you bible school types sure have weird fantasies
  23. if its gapers stealing them should we be telling them which summits have cool registers on this site...? ive heard the register on Judge Howay has the original 1920 streetcar ticket from Tom Fyles' first ascent.
  24. Dru


    i wear a helmet when 1) alpine climbing unless i forget it 2) ice climbing unless i forget it 3) trad climbing in the Rockies or at Vantage, except for the first time I went to Vantage when forsome reason I thoughtthere was rock there instead of choss....OK I only went there once but I would take one if I went back, which isn't likely... 4) caving (which I have only done once because if God had wanted us to crawl around in a hole in the ground She would have given us FLIPPERS!) 5) meteor shower is happening 6) at work during visits to active logging, trees are heavy... 7) riding bike 8) construction work 9) dumping and chasing, high-sticking, grinding and cross-checking in the corners, moving in on goal with a quick breakaway, he shoots....
  25. quote: Originally posted by sexual chocolate: The Moondance is not a technology, it is an art. Due to its complexities, it may at times seem technologically advanced, yet it is important to always bear in mind the fact that it is an ART.
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