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Everything posted by Dru

  1. whales are on the mammal side, wimpy squid
  2. that's a joe brown special from the voc gear room.
  3. arcteryx nozone, or khamsin 52 or 38. really the 38 is more than adequate for day trippin.
  4. settle Iraq conflict with a Trial of Champions, prehistoric Celtic style: each side sends a champion to fight to the death. winning champions' side wins. it'd be like Ultimate Fighting Battlecage meets WWF!! Think of the profit motive for the Vegas bookies!
  5. that sounds like alpine climbing! or is it the other way around?
  6. isnt an industry where the main source of income for quialified people, is training people to become qualified , sort of like a glorified pyramid scheme?
  7. forearm jam, i call it offwidth. ditto knee jams, skull jams, chickenwings, elbow-palm scums and similar.
  8. squid are highly evolved. an ex- of mine used to do experiments on squid nerves. those things individual nerves, are thicker than 5.5m Spectra. talk about bandwidth.
  9. Dru

    Old Nuts

    incidentally if you built your own #15 hex, what size cracks would it fit?
  10. Dru

    Old Nuts

    No but I was reading an old article about the Climbing Nuts Museum in Corsica... the weirdest one is the "roll your own" it was a toilet paper roll type thing with long nylon webbing attached and a floating one-way webbing lock. you roll it up to be the right thickness for the crack! only problem is, if it was small, the length of attached webbing, was like 2 feet long. not so good for aid i guess. it was supposed to be really good for soft rock like in the elbesandstein.
  11. seen on Live The Vision bulletin board:
  12. especially cause the uiagm guide is actually qualified and tested remember the Guides = Alpine Pimps thread? more!!!
  13. it supposed to be a question... offwidth or bolted cracks...
  14. mnt squid not goats
  15. well doesnt that count as aiding and abetting the competition?
  16. Dru

    Old Nuts

    Beckey =old, bold, nuts "WHAT??"
  17. I thought your office was all aboot Windows Ray??
  18. File Properties Type: choose 24 bit True Color ??
  19. Dru

    dead threads

    Pontiac Asstec if they wanted to do it right they would have made an element clone ... brave little toaster...
  20. real goldmine would be tim horton's in hope bc. i heard the mafia is shutting down all applicants for one!
  21. traditionally you serve beer with fried chicken
  22. turn your axe on its side, and hammer with the "flat of the axe" being careful to not hit the webbing.... or with the upper part of the shaft, same deal. it wont let you really POUND like you can on a pin, but it will let you get a picket into hard snow.
  23. Dru

    Old Nuts

    i think they relaunched the SMC camlocks in 92 or 93 but no one bought em. sort of like a TriCam but useless.
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