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Everything posted by Dru

  1. avalanche "bacon" [sic], mmmm i like bacon
  2. bad man
  3. banff or lillooet.
  4. Post deleted by mattp
  5. king krabi?
  6. continental drifter?
  7. funny if you type worlds steepest climb into google you get a bunch of silly railways. and thomas bubendorfer soloing
  8. meatlocker? dodging a bullet? "the trophy" itself? caught in the crosshairs? ( i got the dr topo topo open in another window here )
  9. we already figgered out its the trophy if it aint twilight of a lycra clad poseur maybe it is midnite cowboy or shark walk or keep your powder dry or some other bolted jug haul.
  10. twilight of a champion?
  11. sport routes don't have names, only grades. is it a 12 or a 13?
  12. space needle, or is that just for tourists
  13. somethin at 3rd pullout... izzat the trophy?
  14. too easy huh.
  15. i dont tell anyone where im going so it will prob be a few days before anyone notices the gaping lack of spray.
  16. Back on Track y'all!!! And no one has identified Fern's ice climb yet...
  17. Anywhere dry, sunny better. Showers Sat AM, Sunny all day Sunday - Bluffs in the AM and Apron in the PM maybe. Or Murrin - before they start charging us $5 a day to park there. (Starts May 1 ) Malemute is SNAFU.
  18. At least you know how to spell "WENCH"
  19. Road trip to Chuckanut Drive, or the beach anyways. Beach is always good fun on a rainy day.
  20. HEY TRASK proves my point!!!
  21. lookit all the soldiers in the background like they're running INTO HIS MOUTH!!!!
  22. Dru


    floats on water = density < 1.0 thats the size of 2.5 desks, or almost highball!
  23. the average American casualty in the Vietnam War had 5 lbs. of undigested meat in his large intestine. too much
  24. you made love to pete's gay mom - sounds like Jerry Springer. AND UP NEXT: Snaffle Antics at the bivi
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