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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


  2. Dru

    Old Nuts

    i just bought a #8 rockcentric over the weekend and it turns out i actually need a #7 so i guess im in it for that too.
  3. 9 cm huh was anyone wearing a snorkel
  4. the question referred to a SECONDER. ie on a TOP ROPE. hard to fall upside down while seconding on picket-protected snow climbs. im certain you could do it if you try though!
  5. Dru

    Nude Ascents

    i saw Timmy O'Neill at the VIMFF and a good line from his show was something about "Colorado womyn's patchouli scented armpit mullets" dude if you ever get the chance to see his show do it. the imitations of George Bush, Heinz zak etc. rocked. as for Nude ascents you could show your rash on "The Rash" pitch at Darrington, or is that at Static Point?
  6. only if you fall or tip upside down. dont fall.
  7. if you have a wand/ski pocket on the side, slip it thru the compression strap on the side and down into the wand pocket. i can do it without taking the pack off but i had to practice. better yet, climb with your pack open slightly, with the top pocket stuffed down into the body of the pocket, and just stick the picket down into body of the pack.
  8. maybe she was trolling you
  9. all that and i didnt go to squamish. did a bit of bouldering in west van while hiking with my dad, watched 2 eagles play drop & catch with a salmon.
  10. The ridge you refer to, has a trail rising up onto it from the Wall Creek trail. if you hike in from Ashnola River, you can find this trail and climb to treeline easily. Going along the ridge MUCH better than going in the valley (ive done both as far as the border)
  11. "running boards on SUV = never drives offroad loser" i hate runningboards even more than the Pontiac Asstek
  12. and THIS
  13. Dru

    For Trask

    camera takes pictures through clothing
  14. i think its at joshua tree?
  15. i have found climbing plastic, to be good for strength, but bad for technique...squamish technique anyways. The biggest holds at Squamish would be jibs in a gym.
  16. riptide slipstream little bobby onsight haffner creek the replicant heart creek falls casino waterfall
  17. one thing a 70cm axe is good for is hacking your way thru devils club. if you sharpen up the adze good you can hack those fuckers off clean with a golf type swing.
  18. take a quark, they're light. ok maybe 600gm isnt as light as a 400cm aluminum axe but... aside from not being able to probe for crevasses there is no disadvantage. i just make my partner go first anyways.
  19. scene of the crime?
  20. i haven't owned a trad axe for about 6 years and i don't miss it.
  21. try climbing barefoot, or in street shoes, for a while. with slippery feet, you'll really have to work your footwork to stay on the holds. then when you go back to the rock slippers, it seems real easy to pimp on a dime edge or whatever. sort of like, climbing in the gym with a pack full of rocks on, and when you take it off all the routes seem way easier!
  22. the stupid joe brooks linkup
  23. Dru

    A little quiz

    I thought one of the biggest problems with fuel cell technology was the lack of a cheap way to produce and distribute hydrogen can be produced from methane using thermocouples and hot air; both of which are produced in large quantities by conservative pundits, none of whom will themselves see active duty.
  24. Dru

    A little quiz

  25. good footwork is having a heel to toe length that fits the offwidth.
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