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Everything posted by Dru

  1. bolted cracks...discuss
  2. when i had food poisoning once i set a speed record for a dump of 0.261 second
  3. whats up with that TNF ad thats a close up onf Ankers face anyhow? count the pores i wonder if conrad will bring along the swingin chick from the koflach boot ad?
  4. 6" subway classic club
  5. i thought from nose to notch was more than half rope length though??? that's be some fun swinging though
  6. how do you get off the top with only 1 rope aside from doing a tyrolean out of the mouth cave??
  7. Dru

    Daisy is banned

    shouldn't you ban your wife instead???
  8. Dru

    Daisy is banned

    i was of the opinion that you had to do something bad to get banned by the way: donkeypunch is trusted by donkeypunch is ranked 73 and has played for 19m in 14 days real name donkeypunch is new on the scene donkeypunch is rather delightful and it doesn't leave your hand looking like donkeypunch is ranked 16 and has played for 23m in 14 days real name donkeypunch is ranked 79 and has played for 4h34m in 15 days real name donkeypunch is ranked 8 and has played for 44m in 14 days real name donkeypunch is ranked 148 and has played for 1h24m in 7 days donkeypunch is ranked 203 and has played for 1h24m in 7 days donkeypunch is allowing messages from other users donkeypunch is ranked 97 and has played for 31m in 14 days real name donkeypunch is ranked 109 and has played for 1h46m in 30 days real name donkeypunch is ranked 294 and has played for 7h26m in 30 days real name donkeypunch is donkeypunch is ranked 212 and has played for 1h34m in 14 days donkeypunch is ranked 116 and has played for 50m in 14 days real name donkeypunch is ranked 130 and has played for 9h5m in 14 days donkeypunch is ranked 126 and has played for 9h19m in 14 days
  9. Dru

    Ground Fall TR

    that's fun cleaning he got one of my TCUs stuck on the crux pitch cause his arthritis wouldnt let him clench his hand enough to take it out but sweet talked the two chics leading up behind us to get it out for him... "Yeah when we did the Buttress back in 59 I cant remember if we went up this crack or not" looking at Memorial Crack 'What does it say in the guidebook?"
  10. Dru

    Ground Fall TR

    i saw "the old guy" bounce test a Tri Cam on the last pitch of Rock On; I dont think he'd ever placed one before!!!
  11. Dru

    IS it Monday?

    its the diagram calculating the probability that a flipped coin will land on an edge.
  12. Dru

    Ground Fall TR

    but on a free climb, 1)if everything goes right you dont even weight any of your pieces, 2) you only put in gear where there are good places for it not every bodylength as you advance. the only pc. aside from hooks i dont bounce, are bomber cams (eg placed in a solid fist crack not in a flake) and nuts sloted eeep in constrictions etc. everything else that isnt bodyweight is potentially suspect and tested especially on new ground now if sending an established route you can trust that more of the flakes and edges and stuff are solid just cause they are still there, and you can spot old scars and re use them rather than digging thru moss lookingfor a crack...
  13. txt msg fm avlnch dbrs
  14. so what are you waiting for, twight as rope gun?
  15. Dru


    they didnt want to pay hanna barbera for the licensing rights anymore methinks. shoulda made it Snafflehound City and put fur on the dinosaurs.
  16. you mean they're gonna be a bunch of stinky hippies smoking weed and throwing a frisbee around
  17. what about Pix of the 800 cm of snow whistler got in 48 hours huh????
  18. dude Iain jumped into the lead this is better than formula 1
  19. Dru


    Except its Dusty's Dinotown now
  20. Dru

    Ground Fall TR

    You mean like bolts? its where you make sure your partner leads those pitches while you kick back with tunes and bud.
  21. Dru

    Daisy is banned

  22. Dru

    Daisy is banned

    I just checked it out cause I happened to know what her PW is - can still log in but "this user name is banned from making new posts or PM's" Some evil moderator musta had a hate on for daisy. Maybe she stole their boyfriend or sumpin'
  23. Dru

    Glowing Rope

    Putzl copy protected the Wikka so it wouldnt interfere with their spelunking headlamp sales. You neeed to download Headlamp DCSSS to remove the copy protection.
  24. Dru

    Ground Fall TR

    DFA, if it wont hold skinny me bouncing, it wont hold a fall, so better to test it and find that out, than not test it and have it unexpectedly rip when you count on it to hold. or to seem good from below then pop when you top step it the only thing not to bounce test is bodyweight only stuff like hooks cause they might just pop if you bounce em
  25. Dru

    Daisy is banned

    now she's banned you'll be waiting a while for proof....
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