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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Clear enough for you DFA, or would you like it deconstructed?
  2. you know if you put some blue ones in the top left corner it would look like an American flag
  3. i have only written 2 pages of my paper all day long cause i have to keep provoking more spray
  4. Ok Dave, I'll bite ... This article shows some of the soul searching that has been going on among the intellectual left. Or at least that part of the left that is still willing to entertain the notion that they might have been mistaken in the past. But the author seems to fall into the trap that many (most?) opponents of the war have - namely they've let their overwhelming hatred of GWB cloud their judgement. I'll make a confession here. I despised Bill Clinton. All you folks on the left that dislike gw because of Florida, or because you think he's dumb, or because you think he was born with a silver spoon have no idea how much many of us on the right hated BC. I let this cloud my judgement. I opposed Bosnia and Kosovo because it was BC that was president. I was in Bosnia, I saw the good we were doing, but I rationalized away my opposition to the policy anyway. I was wrong. Do you guys think that maybe, just maybe, you are wrong about this war? Maybe your blind hatred of the president is clouding your judgement? I'll leave you with the money paragraph from the article you cite, and ask you if you agree with it's premise: i changed my mind...nevermind
  5. pagetops are so 5 minutes ago
  6. how do you peasant an reeferendum anyhow?
  7. those were nearly reinhold messner sausage!!
  8. long wait huh? how do you keep a moron in suspense?
  9. Dru

    Whazzup E-Rock?

    Smooth Boys
  10. avatars can be traded.....
  11. [snip] by snoboy I can only lead by example. Make me a moderator and I will set an example!!
  12. Snoboy, it seems like you haven't realized this yet... 99% of the time, Dru is spewing shit out of his mouth. Listening to Dru is like listening to an annoying adolescent who keeps screaming for attention. The other 1% of the time, I actually think Dru actually has very insightful and interesting things to say. I just wish we saw more of this 1%. The little child act just gets really really old.
  13. the Cisco Kid in "In old new mexico"??? In in? Old New? those guys need http://www.syntax.com
  14. So do you really think that your TR's and photos are useless drivel? i mention snafflehounds and horsecock in all my TRs and all my photos of them. if you want a serious answer you will have to bribe me by rescinding the banning of daisy
  15. Dru


    what about the penguin and the ice cream?
  16. delete all threads not about horsecock and snafflehounds
  17. Dru

    Daisy is banned

    deleted by moderator better be nice to snaffles!!
  18. i am not making these up i wish i had a program for that it would be fun
  19. moderator \Mod"er*a`tor\, n. [L.: cf. F. mod['e]rateur.] 1. One who, or that which, moderates, restrains, or pacifies. --Sir W. Raleigh. Angling was . . . a moderator of passions. --Walton. 2. The officer who presides over an assembly to preserve order, propose questions, regulate the proceedings, and declare the votes. 3. In the University of Oxford, an examiner for moderations; at Cambridge, the superintendant of examinations for degrees; at Dublin, either the first (senior) or second (junior) in rank in an examination for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. 4. A mechanical arrangement for regulating motion in a machine, or producing equality of effect. I dont see anything about censorship, or acting as a censor, in there
  20. 9870 [sic]
  21. post deleted by mattp
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