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Everything posted by Dru

  1. It is not an "attempt" if you succeed, it is a "climb" Do or not do there is no try.
  2. thats why i said spend the $75
  3. Yeah, and 50% of it is about as useful as Siberia. Quit trollin', wanker. Go back to whining sour grapes over your lack of ice climbing this winter. and Kansas is so well known for mountaineering?
  4. Orifice Fish Jugular Vein Plumline 3rd pitch of Sparrow Clandestine Affair Moonshine Dihedral another vote for the Bone 2nd pitch of Sans Souci Cold Comfort 1st pitch of Selective Cut Assholes of August The Dream
  5. your country has no true wilderness so why would anyone need a map. just look for the lights of the nearest superhighway/McDonalds/espresso hut and aim towards that if "lost"
  6. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB1&Number=164360&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  7. bullshit. you can get our topos online - you could at least return the freaking favor leaches. anyway you had a half-assed version going for a little while. it looks like somebody up there is just trying to figure out the whole computer thing. why would any Canadian want an american topo anyways
  8. the kakapo is flightless but damn funny worlds largest and heaviest parrot quite endangered
  9. yes they are well known for biting the windshield wipers off of cars. also for sliding down the metal roofs of huts at 4AM while you are trying to sleep. dzooonk! dzooonk! dzoooonk! thump flap flap keeeeet! keeeeet!
  10. This is the same US intelligence that was fooled by obvious photocopied forgeries about African uranium?
  11. back in the day of the 85 cent dollar it made it possible to buy cheap cheese. you dont think they built bellis fair for American shoppers do you?
  12. Dru

    News Flash

    The link doesn't seem to work.
  13. Dru

    News Flash

    December? ice starts usually in october/ november. this year people were swinging tools by first week of october. no crowds, no snow and the roads are open- 20 minutes to whiteman, 1hr to stanley glacier headwall yes, and if you take a jet to new zealand you can climb Heart of Gold (10 pitches WI5) in June!!
  14. i guess you guys aren't asking where the 1 nut placement is on the otherwise bolted 12a "Fire Wire" at Skaha huh?
  15. spend the $75 and buy em. our country is much bigger than yours and someone had to survey it all. why should you get the benefit of their taxpayer subsidized work for free
  16. Dru

    News Flash

    check www.live-the-vision.com for local Rockies info latest postings there have referred to "slush" and "upper pitches are fat blue ice but lower pitches no longer there" and "this route was excellent plastic ice despite the warm rain"
  17. Skaha is to Squamish as Vantage is to Index, or something like that. Except the rock at Skaha is bomber and there is a city of 40, 000 nearby instead of a post-apocalyptic desert full of drunken mullets.
  18. Ice Climbing Season is over. Give up. Its alpine or rock climbing till next December. And about time too!
  19. tell those penguins you are just ice cream.
  20. Skaha rocked bolt clippin crack jammin hot tubbin fun. lots of friendly faces seen getting back on rock after various winterized pursuits. Saturday it snowed a couple of flakes Today was mostly sunny and warm Fern and me did about 23 person-pitches* all told. * This figure used to sound more impressive than:11 pitches and I did one twice cause I couldn't get it on lead so I TRed it afterwards One dishtowel on fire NO TICKS!!!! Red Wine Mountain sheep sightings. Flock of ravens. Sundog. Clarks Nutcracker stuffing baby birds full of bugs. Good times.
  21. Keas are like winged snafflehounds. They think its funny, to fly above you 5 pitches up a 10 pitch face, and drop 1 lb. stones onto your helmet.
  22. Dru


    im the only one on the list without a gun
  23. it took me 3 attempts over 2 years to climb Prussik Pk. i think that is the only summit it has ever taken me 3 shots to get at. although, so far i am 0/2 on Canadian Border. if you can call turning around on the logging road at 9 in the morning, an "attempt"
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