p1: Climb corner on toe of ridge good stemmin or chimney it like FA party did. Move right under roof and up to ledge, Climb crack above ledge to good belay. 5.7 60m take lots of hand size cams or hexes
p2 continue up ridge to top of pinnacle 40m 5.6
p3 step across gap and follow cracks and face holds up and right to ridge crest then cut back left up overhanging fingerflake to belay ledge 50m 5.7
p4 go up ridge 5.6
p 5 go up ridge 5.6
p6 climb corner to under roof. go left under roof on funky undercling (orange TCU) till able to to reach left hand up and over for hidden thank god jug 5.7++
p7 do some easy climbing up and left on slabs
p8-10 4th class and 3rd class and hike to top.
Descend E ridge (4th class for 10m at top then 3rd, dont need rope or rap).
Should take under 12 hours round trip from car except if trapped behind slow parties as it can be hard to pass.
Smoke some Kootenay bud afters.
That 1974 5.7 sure feels hard but those guys (Greg Shannon, Peter Koedt, Peter Rowat) were real men back then not wimpy bolt clippers. Originally led in hiking boots!