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Everything posted by Dru

  1. what about "clean break"?
  2. did you know the great god pan makes an appearance in "the wind in the willows" of all places?
  3. grivel wing
  4. funny i have seen exact same first quote attributed to RUMSFIELD i bet yogi berra said it first.
  5. if your bottle is stuck in the middle of a bunch of cams and pitons and so on won't the x ray have a hard time seeing it?
  6. and the friction heat from the rappel would give you bbq
  7. the published weights are about as reliable as a politician's promises.
  8. Dru

    Cool Story

    why were all the bids in US dollars rather than in francs or marks or pounds sterling or whatever??? ?
  9. Dru

    Cool Story

    technically they are not refined or extracted from the copper rather the copper is not pure copper but contains impurities of other metals. it is these impurities which are extracted during the process of refining the COPPER however: $700 000 of gold at ~$300/oz = 2333 oz of gold. 2333 oz * 1600 lb. Cu/1 oz Au = 3, 700, 000 lb. Cu that's a fuckin heavy roof!
  10. And its only 2 hours drive from Bellingham!
  12. and is before or after Touch My Tuft
  13. I can verify that these things are the shit for puncturing your platypus while hiking and causing an in-pack flood. Other than that I usually carry one around. I had one as my only pro on a M4 pitch once, it was nice to have it!!! Placing them as ice pro is dumb, they will apparently pull out before you can even put enough force on em to activate a Screamer. But in icy cracks too thin for a Tricam, they rock. Also you can hook flakes with em. Only thing is you can buy em or the DMM copy at MEC for like $25 CDN so $25 US seems like a big ripoff.
  14. Falcon Press. Yay Alan Boo Falcon
  15. Dru

    Cool Story

    well, i thought this story "smelt" fishy
  16. scan your yellow pass use a photoshop coplor fill to change the yellow to green print glue green printout onto yellow pass voila!!!
  17. Try Zero Cams, youll never go back to Aliens.
  18. OED 7th ed. 2002 gay gae [n] 1. homosexual ....(snip)... 7. silly or dumb as in This thread is so gay The fact that a gay person started a gay thread is just an unfortunate coincidence which maybe would be a great posting in the NEW THIS FORUM IS SO GAY FORUM
  19. shakem if you gottem
  20. Dru

    American pika doomed

    [sic] evolve or die the pikas that survive are gonna look like chihuahuas.
  21. exactly, it's like the freakin veggie chili dog with bacon
  22. Dru

    American pika doomed

    i read where raptors populations like peregrines and golden eagles have increased to pre-ddt levels, i guess those smart guys who did the study didnt bother to think of increased predation? in canada - the habitat should increase as the glaciers melt! they can eat the corpses of the ice worms....better than nylon j_b do you think the israelis are responsible for this somehow?
  23. "use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without"
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