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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    For JUSTIN

  2. Dru

    Perpetual War?

    shit, i totally forgot a resumption of flood basalt vulcanism!
  3. Dru

    Nobel Prizes

  4. Dru

    Perpetual War?

    what about the cosmic string smartypants? what about a dinosaur killer type comet impact? what about catastrophic release of clathrated methane ices from the seabed due to global; warming resulting in runaway greehouse effect and a new Venus? what about proton decay?
  5. sounds like a real fun weekend of seracing
  6. Dru

    Nobel Prizes

    trask, let me spell it out you dont win a you win a Nobel PHYSICS Prize for Physics!
  7. Dru

    Nobel Prizes

    the implications for WORLD PEACE are soooooo obvious
  8. Dru

    Dru is a poser

    painted toenails Lycra "look at me" haircut freak flag juicy chicken t-shirt faux Kiwi accent beautiful women on each arm blingbling piercings yup, it all adds up to POSER!!!! HA HA, you forgot the A5 flipp flopps... A5 flipflops lowered H2 with neon pimplights underneath 100 copies of NEW GUIDEBOOK available for custom autographing tattoos of climbing resume starting on neck and continuing to left leg dog named "Chomolungma" gold tooth conversation consists entirely of grades and name dropping email address: gradevii@hotmail.com uses portaledge for ascent of Saber on Castler Rock - to practice for Thor!
  9. 's Thumb
  10. Dru

    Nobel Prizes

    how did he win a peace prize for physics?
  11. Dru

    Dru is a poser

    painted toenails Lycra "look at me" haircut freak flag juicy chicken t-shirt faux Kiwi accent beautiful women on each arm blingbling piercings yup, it all adds up to POSER!!!!
  12. Dru

    Dru is a poser

    nice try!
  13. Dru

    Is Jon Japanese?

    jon none of the links on your post work
  14. I heard Fred Beckey is gonna be doing that this winter with some 20something blonde Whistler chica as ropegun
  15. I was wearing shoes and socks. And, carrying a pack. This is an important clarification. I was trying to make a nude ascent in the same fashion as Guy Edwards and the earlier Marching Kitchen Utensils crew. This allows for harness, chalk bag and rock shoes to be worn (also kitchen pot as helmet and/or paper bag over head). I wore no harness, pot, chalk bag or paper bag.
  16. Dru

    Is Jon Japanese?

    he could be!
  17. Dru

    That's odd...

    nothin going on in there anyway try changing your name b4 you log on...
  18. I have named all sorts of peaks I haven't climbed. But they were unnamed at the time to the best of my knowledge. Other people with better claims can petition me to change them or just beat me up and leave me bleeding in a ditch if they disapprove. I don't think all mountain names have to be inspiring, or positive. Or else we wouldn't have Mt Terror, or Mt Despair. I don't see anything wrong with Mesachie on those grounds. I think some of the originally proposed names, particularly "Holyoke" are much less inspired. As for a mountain looking evil, wicked, Devilish... - maybe it is just that it killed 2 friends but I think the NW face of Devils Thumb looks evil. But inspiring nonetheless. Hopefully just inspiring in the abstract.... Isn't it funny - Fred complains about Twin Spires being renamed "Twin", Mox in Chinook, yet he renames stuff himself in Chinook? As for the chinook jargon itself - it's an interesting and amusing polyglot language. Speaking it, English, and one or two Native tongues (your own and your neighbours) was no uncommon feat in the 1800's. It has a claim of some standing to be the first "official" language of the PNW. So - I don't see anything wrong with naming peaks in it. I doubt that Chinook names are appropriate only in Chinook Nation territory. I don't think the jargon owes anything much but the name to the Chinook Nation. It's more like the Chinook wind or the Chinook salmon found most places west of the Rockies. Ray is using a double entendre with the Turtlehead Mountain name. The other meaning of "Turtlehead" relates to an incipient defecation, if I may be so bold. "The turtle is ready to stick his head out of the shell..." Those are my somewhat unconnected thoughts. On with the boxing gloves!
  19. Dru

    Hero Worship

    Just two words - ductape and Carhartt
  20. talk is cheap. actions speak louder than words.
  21. Dru

    Perpetual War?

    If a cosmic string the length of the Earth passed through the Equator, the two poles would rush together at 50% of lightspeed. causing untold catastrophes and chaos.
  22. "One time, at band camp... "
  23. I don't think more than about 10 people have climbed the Pleiades (at least from the north) since 1974. We'll see if this is a Harry Majors style strawman or not
  24. Dru

    Perpetual War?

    Col o mbia? or District Of...
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