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Everything posted by Dru

  1. tyax near gold bridge also flies fixed wing ski plane. winter access to the old settler sucks. i dont think its even had a winter ascent. you are looking at at least 20km of snow covered logging road. anderson access is ditto with gates. best way in would be via skis from zupjok peak area via zopkios pullout avoiding the areas they bomb for avvy control. there is some nice potential for winterstuff on N side of Yak.
  2. its camelflage
  3. you two are jealous cuz the only girls you can get are my cast-offs and they can't stop comparing you unfavourably to me also you don't have your own silver tights wearing action figure
  4. What does Bhudda have to say about JC? Howabout Moses? Abraham? see, that's the quality of the edumacation at that Langley bible school he goes to
  5. oops!
  6. so, off that site, who does that leave? What??? off what site?? for 'that' read 'this' DO YOU SEE ME DATING ANYONE FROM THIS SITE????? you were supposed to mention dont drink dont smoke straight edgers like Scot'teryx
  7. the fact that you had to use a qualifyer in your statement proves my point. the radical islam is not islam. any cleric of any reputation at all would agree with this. it is against the koran to commit suicide, but radical islamist endore this as divine. hard to believe that this is the same religion. one of the commandments in the Bible is "Thou shalt not kill" but some US fundamentalist Christians kill abortion providers In Ireland Protestants and Catholics kill each other how is this any different? These guys all have some religious leaders on their side telling them what they do is right and proper..... Please show me one religious authority figure that all persons of any one religious tradition agree to respect? Pope? Nope. Rabbis? Nope. Pat Robertson? Nope. Dalai Lama? Nope. Who? the only person widely recognized in all major religions is Christ. ya, BS!!!! anyways I meant - person - not mythological or historical figure.
  8. deserts often have groundwater but just not rainfall. most groundwater areas in deserts are areas of aquifer upwelling. example: hot springs in Bishop area. end of geek lecture
  9. the fact that you had to use a qualifyer in your statement proves my point. the radical islam is not islam. any cleric of any reputation at all would agree with this. it is against the koran to commit suicide, but radical islamist endore this as divine. hard to believe that this is the same religion. one of the commandments in the Bible is "Thou shalt not kill" but some US fundamentalist Christians kill abortion providers In Ireland Protestants and Catholics kill each other how is this any different? These guys all have some religious leaders on their side telling them what they do is right and proper..... Please show me one religious authority figure that all persons of any one religious tradition agree to respect? Pope? Nope. Rabbis? Nope. Pat Robertson? Nope. Dalai Lama? Nope. Who?
  10. 14X a week?!!! Good lord!! Those are true stoners! I think if you did any mind altering drug 14X a week, you're boys'd be screwy... 2 hits a day? pffff obviously not boulderers! what effects of 80 hits a week?
  11. damn, where's that chestbeater icon?
  12. please indicate one newbie that got flamed. none of the flame examples were newbies unless you count sno-cat guy and it hasn't been proved that wasn't someones trolling avatar anyway. does Muir on saturday count as flaming a newbie? DAN Lar'TERYX SUX!!!!!!!
  13. What??? off what site?? for 'that' read 'this' Which 'this'? This 'this'? Or that 'this'? And is this the 'that' you're referring to? Or is that 'that' the one? All of this chat about 'this' and 'that' is enough to make you wish that you had never looked at this stupid thread. Isn't that right? its right dat you better stop dissin dis and dat ofe!
  14. necro - These 'gay" things eventualy start to grate on me. I think you should use another word. PP who always is feeling gay! we can call YOUR silly TR's "straight" or "het" or "breeder" if you would find that more offensive
  15. so, off that site, who does that leave? What??? off what site?? for 'that' read 'this'
  16. i'm gonna send with no chockstone bivi so there The following projects are conditions dependent: 1) Sailor Bar Gully 2) Jackass 3) Crucible If we have a "normal" winter then I will probably try to climb some stuff in the Chilliwack and Skagit areas or in Golden Ears park area if I can get a week off during good stability conditions. It seems though that when you get normal winter condish the stability is all during the week and forecast hazard goes up to High or Extreme on Friday PM as it starts snowing..
  17. so, off that site, who does that leave?
  18. 1) You mean Neufeld/Struthers/Barg/Brayshaw/Spagnut/Cairns/Rose/Alez/Janez' girlfriend/Frimer/Burbee lines I think there's about 7 or 8 established lines or variations now 2) Isn't it surprising no one has climbed those dihedrals yet with all the activity? Take a lawnmower, weed whacker, trowel and gardening gloves. And knifeblades. Lotsa knifeblades.
  19. Dol Amroth means Crag of the (somethingorother). It's the high tower in the city of Gondor. Orthanc is the other tower nearer to Mordor. Dol Goldur is in Mordor, I think. It's marked on the LOTR map anyways if you have a book handy. Caradhras is like I said, a stolen Welsh name. It's in the Misty Mountains. The Fellowship gets avalanched trying to cross it so they go through Moria instead. Big mistake. Mindolluin is also a peakin the Misty Mountains.
  20. weird? the pagetop was lost in the phantom zone there for a minute
  21. I guess I missed the sno-cat one. The other two Strickland examples seem to fall within what I defined as hype. Although if one examines the original thread one can see that as many responses if not more were critical of polishbob as of will. But taken all together what percent of posted TR's ignite flaming? One? Two? The overwhelming majority are welcomed with and Here's an opinion. Most of those who aren't posting TRs are not doing it for fear of flamage. That is just an excuse. They are not posting because of 1)modesty, or 2) they just can't write. Maybe some lurkers will prove me wrong
  22. As for the LOTR names: hmmmm. We have some up here too... Gandalf, Aragorn and Shadowfax in Phelix Creek. Obviously LOTR had a lot of influence on certain generations of climbers. Half the climbing routes on Yamnuska have LOTR names... is it really any less of a relevant source for naming inspiration than Paul Bunyan (and his stump, and his bounding blue kangaroo) or naming peaks Primus and Tricouni after certain brands of hardware of the era? Caradhras was stolen from Welsh by Tolkein directly, I believe it means - Red Mountain. (klenke there's another one for you). Mindolluin is more of a Tolkein coinage. Dol Amroth, Dol Goldur and Orthanc ditto.
  23. My source is a section of Clayton Mack's book "Bella Coola Man" called the Mesachie Box, describing black magic, in particular, a hamatsa (cannibal) dance in which a dead woman's head was dug out of a fresh grave and eaten by some shamen; also other black magic and bad occurrences from Nuxalk and his own personal history. It may be a turn of phrase that was more commonly used up here than down there? also I read somewhere that when Christian missionaries were preaching in the Campbell River area they described the Devil as being 'skookum mesachie' or 'hiyu mesachie' or some words to that effect - don't have the referece cause it was just a book from the library. But in general I just don't think our word "Obscene" has the right connotation to mesachie. Wicked, vile, evil, yes...obscene sounds more like it has to do with peepshows or something... some sort of puritanical value judgement related to sexual acts...I know that the word obscene was not used in quite the same way in the 19th/early 20th century which is where the confusion might stem from.
  24. i though cutting layton's hand off would be the hard part!
  25. I won't spill the beans yet. But since I'm as much a fan of The Lord of the Rings as of the Cascades, I'll suggest a bonus quiz: What is the significance of the names in Tolkien's books? (To be honest, I may have to consult the books again to figure out one of them.) ...just two more months until the 3rd movie comes out... Named after swords and peaks of LOTR. It's in the right I am not saying the names either but it took like 15 seconds to look up.
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