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Everything posted by Dru

  1. In the film No Strings Attached you can gape in awe as Brian Goldstone pulls off a huge block and nearly kills Scott Milton who's spotting him
  2. 31)slushiez
  3. The first to sail to North America FROM THE EAST.... except maybe for St. Brendan.... Lots of people apparently sailed (or paddled) to N & S America from the WEST.... back 20,000 years or so in some cases...
  4. Dru

    Third tool?

    Which tool is Larry, first, second or third?
  5. Dru


    here is a good new avatar image for cracked:
  6. Hey Murray - what about Yuji Hirayama? Is he a white European? What about Carlos Carsolio? Mi Sun Go? Ed February? These people seem to have made climbing their lifelong pursuit too...
  7. Dru

    Third tool?

    tool are aid. get sandpaper gloves and ice climb toolless like henry barber.
  8. Anasazi: people of the rock. Africans - were climbing 5.8 1200' towers in prehistoric times free solo in Cameroon according to Synott & Child. Tibetans, Nepalese - likewise. Living high. So its pretty obvious climbing has nothing to do with race? Hell even pasty farm boys named Nels from flat places like Saskatchewan can learn to outclimb Chris Sharma, so even geography has nothing to do with climbing ability.
  9. Is Avalanche a word for Snow?
  10. Dru

    Snaffle Boom and Bust

    If you obeyed your own injunctions you would not only have shut up but killed yourself long ago feel free!
  11. The Inca were climbing to 22,000 feet when the "Nordic" were still trying to figure out how putting plank on feet would help them move on snow. The Australian were free soloing 5.9 and 10a barefoot in 4,000 BC go back to your white trash trolling now
  12. that the Disney documantary with lemmings running off the cliff was faked has long been known now, here is the truth Troof?
  13. some guidebook authors can't draw but own cameras and photoshop
  14. Dru


    How many words does ENGLISH have for snow? Snow Blizzard Flurry Neve Styrofoam Corn snow Flakes Spindrift Pow-pow Freshiez White chunks Dusting etc etc
  15. Dru


    the inuit live above (north of) treeline - they don't have a word for tree well
  16. Try using your other hand sometimes. I'm referring to eating, drinking, typing etc with your "wrong" hand and arm every once in a while. We now know that the brain retains plasticity, and it has been proven to be possible to learn ambidexterity or improve your off handedness even when mature.... good for brain development!
  17. he'll be able to brag to his grandkids about how he once got to belay a famous climber
  18. Dru

    Tall Tales

    i heard that somewhere on the web there is a climbing site where some guy made like 15,000 posts and about 13,000 of them are total spray
  19. Dru

    Tall Tales

    i met a dude who jammed his hand in a crack and cut it off at the wrist and then rapped off the hand to get himself off a mountain.
  20. So what? There was honest to god icecicles forming in the Gorge! at Smiff? it better melt by Friday!
  21. i went to squamish to go solo on some easy gaper type apron route but it was cold and i saw verglas so i went home instead i am uli gaper wimp.
  22. just for you i keep Hello Cthulhu up another day.
  23. Yes - there is honest to god verglas and icicles forming up in Squamish particularly in the Murrin area. Nothing remotely climbable but 2 weeks of the same temperatures would do wonders! But it sux to climb rock in the cold like that!
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