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Everything posted by Dru

  1. well it better shape up good so fern can steal all my secret projects this weekend
  2. ...that's about 5 or 10 times the amount of ice that was on it when it got climbed and rated a 6. and you couldn't sneak in from the side then either. is stuff coming back in from being warm and wet?
  3. what amazing footwork on that first photo! hey mr. e do you mean there is a belay bolt at the bottom on a narrow ledge or something, or a one-bolt anchor at the top
  4. Alan sent me a signed review copy. I have memorized it now, so $300 and its yours.
  5. I have a 1.53 Mb .pdf file detailing the CASBC response to the highway construction project outlining concerns and potential; solutions. it is too big to post as an attachment so PM me your email addy if you want a copy or maybe a nice moderator can attach it Should this go here or in Access Issues?
  6. You're gonna lose the post like cbs contest with prose like that
  7. OK FV crags. Lefebvre Road erratic has some bouldering/TRs. No topo available, probs to V6, anchors on top. Sumas Mtn has some poor quality crags often missing hangars from the bolts. Often muddy. But can be fun. There are 3 diff crags on diff parts of the mountain. One sandstone, one volcanic, one granite. FV north (highway 7) has hatzic prairie, chehalis gorge, chehalis roadside, elbow lake, harrison lake and rockface areas. All cragging with longer routes possible at rockface, harrison and elbow lk. FV south has chilliwack river limestone sport routes, chwk. granite trad and aid routes, and crag routes near hunter creek. Bouldering sites - best are near Hope with the Cobbles, HunterCreek, Lorenzetta road and Lake of the Woods being the most developed. Mike Crapo's guidebook covers Hatzic, Chehalis Roadside and Gorge, and Chwk Limestone. The Harrison Bluffs guide covers Harrison Bluffs. Due to some access issues this place is not too popular at the moment and many climbs have vanished under the moss. A great spot for aid soloing though! There are no guidebooks for any other areas. Just go and poke around. I think there are about 150 crag routes and like 500 boulder probs at the moment... good if you cant drive to Squamish or as a alternative destination. Flashpoint is the best place to meet other FV climbers. I keep meaning to buy a membeship myself. The only prob i have with it is the bouldering terrain isnt very good as compared to the Edge or Cliffhanger. Cliffhanger Coquitlam or Vert Reality Surrey are your other gym options. Both are more of a drive but Cliff Coquit is "cool". Bring an attitude.
  8. Went to Vegas for a week. Climbed 3 days. Fun routes. Got snowed on one of the 3 days. There is full on water ice back in the canyons like at the base of Rainbow Wall is about a 4 pitch WI2 where the normal approach goes. Went to a hot spring in Arizona 1 day. Fun canyoneering hike and bouldering too. Went to the thrift stores one day. I got some silver polyester disco pants for $5 Maybe they used to be Roy's? I dont see any tiger bites Drove down thru the northern Nevada desert scoped out some cool granite in Big Smoky Valley. Any body know details? Didn't find the "Skinwalker Ranch" yet but there are a couple of candidates. On the way home the stuffed penguin nearly visited the Kitty Kat Ranch
  9. "i am unwilling to post details of new routes for fear someone will criticise me" = 1) "i am insecure and only want people to praise me" or 2) "i recognize at some level there is something wrong with the route or style and therefore choose not to let people know about it because they will highlight this ethical void i am trying to ignore" No
  10. Dru

    whack the penguin

    "it's only ice cream"
  11. Who is this "Dru" person anyway? The Abbotsford climbing gym is called Flashpoint.
  12. lefebvre? was it dry?
  13. Dru

    Drunk already

    All talk = no action
  14. Dru

    weekend plans?

    I was invited but i'm not going cuz Im too cool for super secret parties
  15. Dru

    weekend plans?

    I am driving, driving.... Maybe a little bit of climbing on Sunday if we get to RR before dark!
  16. this knot looks hard to tie
  17. rope drag can alo be a prob on the steeps when the ropes get caught under chandeliers or icicles
  18. Dru

    thread hijackers

    "Hijacking a thread" is turning a discussion about routes on Mt. Shmeeb into a discussion of "gerbilling" - not discussing the manipulative marketing schemes and dress codes required by Outside on Buick on a thread about an event put on by Outside and Buick.
  19. closed aid rating are like the john gill bouldering rating system hey i know, lets switch to an open ended system! that way the hardest aid rating numbers can go up to A-15 to match up with 5.15, V15 and M15
  20. Dru


    we have that posted on the fridge door at work
  21. Dru

    Tomo Cesen

    It's one of those things where you'd need a time machine to verify. Too bad he didn't write 420 in the summit cairn It seems Cesen fucked up on Lhotse by using someone else's photos and claiming they were his. Whether this means he also lied about the climb or not is unknowm and frankly who cares. The dude has free soloed 13c, verified in front of witnesses. The real prize on Lhotse is the first naked speed ascent anyways
  22. Dru


    I am practicing to become this guy:
  23. Dru


    There's only a few places it can be... It took me 30 minutes to find my car keys the other day...
  24. Dru


    Still haven't found that freakin passport I know I had it at Rope uP
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