If this is how you see it then how about,
Evolution is society's coping mechanism for the harsh reality that they're going to hell. They provide a half-baked hypothesis that is supposed to comfort them so they can feel guilt free while sinning.
Huh? How so? Christianity says that if you're good then you'll go to Heaven when you die, and you'll keep living up there. Thus it's comforting when your son dies, because you know he'll keep living in heaven and you'll see him there. Also, when life sucks, you can console yourself that you'll go to heaven soon and life is perfect here. That's how it's comforting.
But how does the theory of evolution comfort us and keep us from feeling guilty?
Christianity isn't peaches and roses. It also provides rigid guidlines that you have to follow in order to obtain heaven. It's a lot harder to live these guidlines than it is to deny they exist through the belief of Evolution. As a Christian you also know and belive in a hell. Simply having a good son doesn't mean you'll see him in heaven. He too has to give his life to the lord. Evolution says we are free to do whatever we want. There is no afterlife simply science.
If the virtue of Christianity is that it is hjarder to believe and follow the faith than humanism, scientism, whatever - then logically, worshipping some sort of giant three-nippled pig, and having to walk around with a ten ton anvil strapped to your head, and not saying the word "The" on weekdays - is even a more difficult faith to follow. I expect you will convert immediately.