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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


    i think you are just jealous that the hot chick flirted with your TA and not with you.
  2. represent!
  3. not tourists, just climbers
  4. Possibly NSFW of Dwayner's back
  5. Dru

    Asshole Boss

    we just get by however we can we all gotta duck when the shit hits the fan
  6. Dru


    Dwayner, pope and three unidentified climbers plot their next outrage on cc.com - equating sport climbers with women or homosexuals!
  7. I agree with refusing to eat certain things for ethical reasons. I avoid store-bought meat because I don't want to support that industry and I also know there is not enough care in keeping meat clean. Disgusting all around. Ever read Fast Food Nation? Great book. ever work in a slaughterhouse? guess what, you got to kill it whether you buy it in a store or not. freybe sausage class of 1989!
  8. Dru


    Damn, the T&A is all one unit for them!
  9. Dru


    The otter?
  10. Dru


    DFA, does your missus know you've been hooking up with French Tarts online?
  11. robo is cbs first attempt at an avatar
  12. Dru


    Gary has your hair turned pointy yet?
  13. Dru


    bubbles pop occasionally...
  14. pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff have you considered cutting a slot in your steel head and using it as a brakebar?
  15. its only creepy when you start licking the window
  16. Dru


    dude what can i say except do you really think we care about your dysfunctional relationship? can't you two just deliver equations to each other?
  17. I wonder if it comes with hair you have to scrape off yourself? Probably great food for Chilean rugby team! Do they make "mancock" for Germans, like that Anton Miewes guy
  18. hairy women
  19. stalker!
  20. Negligence would never be a crime then, which is BS.
  21. anyways, pump or flow, the net result of increasing pore pressure and decreasing stability is equivalent in either case.
  22. maybe cause i am a geoscientist but i kind of come down on the fathers side a bit - if, by pumping sewage into cracks, the nps increased the rockfall rate in Yos above its long term natural level- then they fucked up big time and they should stop, and if it takes a lawsuit to make them stop then so be it. at the level of an individual event though its pretty hard to prove or disprove causation, and anyways when you climb you accept the risks. but this could be likened to someone trundling boulders down on you as you climb a mountain somewhere - rockfall is normal but a boulder trundled at you by a person is not normal risk.
  23. It was a big deal in Savage Love last week and this... some guy wrote in to caution how he dated a woman who was into guys in wheelchairs but she started to do weird shit like hide his keys so she'd have to drive him, or put thingson high shelves out of his reach so he'd have to ask her to get them for him
  24. Maybe from a disability fetishist?
  25. It's "rasta camping" dignified with a French name.
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