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Everything posted by Dru

  1. You know America's big problem with the UN is it doesn't knuckle under like NATO or the OAS and let USA play boss. The nerve! Those damn French might have something to do with it. And actually having family planing programs that support condom distribution, that's immoral! Tell your congressman to keep voting on those riders to deny the UN the USA's membership dues until they have abstinence-only family planning ONLY. Not that the UN is not a corrupt body... I mean having Sudan on the Human Rights panel is kinda like having Hitler in the synagogue...
  2. also damian cook, one of the popularisers of deep water soloing, drowned in Mallorca http://www.ukclimbing.com/forums/t.php?n=83722
  3. so does Hajji surf or what?
  4. yeah i think you're right jordan that's fire mountain in the distance.
  5. the th grade
  6. seriously though, mec had four or five copies left when i was talking to the climbing counter dude over lunch. it's selling pretty fast.
  7. Dru

    My REI wish list

    hey minx i'm gonna be wearing a safari cap and blue blockers myself for the next week - but no moustache
  8. So just like last year then. At least it's reliable. it is the 2003 report, that's why it sounds like last year!!!!!!! this year will be much better
  9. Dru

    My REI wish list

    i bet it goes great with moustache, safari cap and blue blockers
  10. for what we want to climb it is late in the season.... actually i note that if we had gone up this year the same dates that we were there last year we would have been snowed out again!!!
  11. "Is your Pussy Too Small? Here at the Dr. Felix Gross School of Animal Plastic Surgery We Specialize In Inflatable Cat Implants To Let You achieve Record-Breaking HouseCat Sizes Quickly - And Legally! No Steroids or Messy Creams and Rubs Required!"
  12. it sounds like annabelle is getting "bail" minded. quitter!
  13. Dru

    My REI wish list

    Of course not, fool! She had it DELIVERED there. ya thats what sherpas and yaks are for... that and fixing ropes to the summit for ya
  14. surely such a horrible weather experience cannot happen two years in a row. where is the fingers crossed graemlin?
  15. now we are going to see if fern's magic rain creating powers really work or whether this was a one time fluke
  16. Dru

    First rock shoes

    velcros sometimes undo themselves in wide cracks. never hads that problem with lace ups.
  17. structural nut
  18. Dru

    Timmy Oneil

    timmy oneill is one of the best slideshow presenters i have ever seen. you should go. hell the misterE mobile should stop off there along the way to smiff
  19. Dru

    George Will on GW

    not sure if i get the point here. is george will saying democracy is really too good for the wogs?
  20. first shot background left double summit is mt. judge howay. golden ears would be inconsequential from the viewpoint of this far north if you could even see it.
  21. is that really mamquam? i guess it is. it looks too far away though.
  22. otters are just a type of badger badger badger badger badger, mushroom mushroom!
  23. if you drive a truck full of deisel into a building it blows up real good, no?
  24. i dunno if its actually veeocee in the first one at left or something to the west of it like the lecture cutters.. i'd have to look at a map tuwasus mountain is in front of pitt i believe. in the second one parapet is in front and right of isosceles. the spire on hour peak is the minute hand.
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