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Everything posted by Dru

  1. i'm all in favour of girls throwing out their tops no shirt no shoes no problem!
  2. Dru


    isnt this thread about bad ass surf guitar?
  3. it eliminates the need for adjustable daisies. you still need aiders although i don't see why you would really need adjustable aiders since you can pretty much fine tune with the fifi
  4. please stop the photo onslaught or we might have to see some gollum again. did i mention that the best climber in the world is the one who is having the most fun - NOT THE ONE WHO POSTS THE MOST SHITTY PICTURES IN A ROW!!!!!!!
  5. Dru


    don't mess with the bunny
  6. just call a 1-900 that charges by the minute and leave it on that number. when the dude gets like a $5000 bill from Madame Cleo they'll be more careful about leaving a cell phone
  7. Dru


    fender4 please stop posting that picture of you in your furry-suit underwear. we know what you look like by now. and your male camel-toe too.
  8. Dru


    that's rich coming from a guy who is so bald his comb-over is made of nose hair
  9. Dru


    ugly like bukowski, ugly like beckey.... go back to plucking your eyebrows in the clown motel bathroom, chest shaving pretty boys, and note who's got all the ladies - NOT YOU!
  10. Dru


    Have you ever considered that maybe your purpose in life was to be the example to others of what not to do?
  11. Dru


    somebody had to do it and i beat you to it. i can see not only are beat with the ugly stick but you are too stupid to type "insults" into google
  12. "physician assisted suicide" does not necessarily mean the doctor is the one who kills. it can be a simple matter of obtaining/prescribing the required drugs for self-administration by the would be suicide.
  13. Dru


  14. Dru


    You cryptorchidal, fetishistic, narcissistic, morbidly obese, rectally transmitted, hydrocephalic, chromosomally underequipped outgassed flatus. I can see your only talent is flexibility and that consequently you have a great view of the contents of your own colon.
  15. the element has minimal clearance and won't make it through waterbars any better than a subaru will.
  16. murder clubs for would be suicides. last survivor gets the chair!
  17. i prefer to keep my entire body high and not just my balls
  18. or, it's ok to kill people (murderers) who don't want to die, but it's not Ok to kill people (terminally ill patients) who actually want to die faster than some disease is killing them?
  19. bouldering is fun, but highball falling is not fun
  20. isn't there a moral disconnect between upholding the death penalty, and opposing euthanasia?
  21. I don't believe on a two mile long rope that the entire rope would stretch if loaded. More like the end nearest the climber would stretch and the amount of stretch would decrease with some function of distance from the climber. The belayer might not even notice the climber had fallen....
  22. these folks will be crying
  23. Dru


    if i do that i will never figure out why clippy changes from a paper clip into a star and back again.
  24. there is no smith rocks. it is a hoax concocted by oregon types to make up for not having any real mountains.
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