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Everything posted by Dru

  2. well i stopped off at the bookstore on the way home and vanity fair is gonna have to take a backseat for a while cause kim stanley robinson and bruce sterling both had new novels out. if you notice less spray its cause im reading
  3. here is mama cliff after having given birth here is her new baby boulder with fine upstream arete and downstream cave. if trying upstream arete might have to use lead weights to hold the bouldering mat down?
  4. Just testing. There is no accident. Have you ever noticed though, that the accident threads get like 10 times the hits of any other posts on this website? Ghouls, man. People rubbernecking just like the tourons who slow down to 5 km/h so they can check out the rollover on the other side of the highway as they drive by. NOTHING to see here! Move on, move on. You accident vulture lurkers would be better off climbing something than reading about the misfortunes of others
  5. This is almost like Sex Ed for Distel and the other pebble wrastlin' young uns on the board. Have you ever wondered where your favourite boulders come from? EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM was once part of a cliff or larger rock. Yes, strange but true! I have been lucky enough to observe the process of boulder birth. I will post some pictures when I get home this afternoon. It raises the question - do you have to wait until the boulder falls off the cliff to do the FA of a boulder problem, or can you cheat and climb it while it is still attached to the wall
  6. in the summer i mostly wear a cheap MEC Genie nylon windshirt as a jacket because it is lighter than a schoeller jacket. also it weighs nothing and packs down to the size of a hamburger.
  7. Dru


    So Harry Pi has been revealed as a real person, and ExtremoMtnDude is still jibbing it up worldwide lol, , it kind of begs the question but WHERE THE HELL IS MILOSHK ANTONOPOV???? Eating cheeseburgers?
  8. it'd be funnier if he was actually climbing ice not standing on flat ground at the base of a route maybe hanging upside down off heel spurs in a roof, reading the book
  9. Dodges that have helped me get off speeding ticket 1) Talking about climbing with cop (climbing stickers on car) 2) Crying and explaining I was driving fast to get to friends' funeral 3) "Going at speed of traffic" even though speed of traffic was 80 in a 50 zone 4) Flirting with hot lady cop
  10. In the logging camp I finished "Little Dorritt", speed read a John Norman "Gor" BDSM pr0n pulp from the camp library of discarded trash novels, and then started in on "Vanity Fair" by Thackeray. I am enjoying reading my way through the Victorian novelists, i think I'll read Jane Eyre next.
  11. The Otterdamerung? OMG!
  12. bring organic canola oil WTF I just can't pack on the pounds. In camp this week I was eating three plates of dinner with 4 desserts every nbight, For lunch I had 3 sandwiches and a dozen snacky things, For breakfast pancakes, omlette, bacon and eggs and still I don't seem to have added one pound? Shit I was even getting heli'ed in to most places rather than climbing 1000m uphill :wtf: how can i ever hope to build up love handles with this metabolic handicap?
  13. ya i was just noticing that myself the better to kick the criminal with! TRIPODCOP
  14. Dru

    Tubular Snaffles

    Even though ferrets, stoats, weasels and otters are cute, furry snaffle hunters, they are also the villains in "The Wind In The Willows". The heroes of that piece are a Rat and a Mole. Go figure.
  15. check the dates oh alpinfox, i was absent from spray because i was working in the mountains
  16. You can also figure out how many cats would be killed by dividing by nine.
  17. This is my favorite photo that I took today. I like my job
  18. if a meteor hits a UFO in the aurora, would a moonbow appear?
  19. Dru


    that book is a piece of shit, the philosophy is halfbaked, and the motorcycle maintenance tips are also seriously flawed (according to what Edward Abbey said - I don't know jacksquat about bike mechanics myself)
  20. the little, biting flies are out as well as the mosquitoes.... i wore DEET for the first two times this year yesterday and today.
  21. Yes, cause this strategy works wonders in a white out. in a whiteout, i become the whiteout, and experience the zen of the moment for as long as it lasts.
  22. da toofwand
  23. Dru


    Crock of Gold Ham On Rye The Aleph and other stories The Man In The Tree The Quartzite Trip Blood Sport Shibumi The Giants Arrive at Easterwine name all the authors and win a prize!
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