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Everything posted by Dru

  1. naw it was a cannonball jump, silly
  2. ask pineyK maybe he can set u up with a tippi turtle
  3. Dru

    OMG Photo Caption!!!

    "Seriously, man, this is how it said to do it in Freedom of the Hillbillies"
  4. one time when i was a kid i had a log roll over on my ankle on the beach and sprained it but good. it was my left ankle that was sprained and while it was healing i kept accidentally standing on it and cursing with the pain ( foul mouthed little kid!) and wishing i had sprined my right ankle and not my left. well one month later just when my left ankle had healed up what should happen than i dived off a deck into shallow water and sprained my right ankle!
  5. this doesn't look like a hoax to me! how could alan sign a hoax? he signed my copy while we were cragging in renton!
  6. Dru

    OMG Photo Caption!!!

    I found this while checking out links found while Googling Iain Morris Iain
  7. could you see waddington?
  8. Dru


    did you sell him a t-shirt?
  9. this guy could use one, obviously
  10. Dru

    tennis anyone?

    is this a bouldering thread, or if not why the distel style photo onslaught?
  11. Mer's secret identity is no longer a secret I'm going to edit the trip report. Now this will make no sense to ANYONE
  12. Dru

    Forbidden Exposure?

    if you wait until the summit before you decide you want to bail no-one can tell the difference.
  13. swim with a gun then you don't need to worry about sharks
  14. i lied, it's more like 12 or 13 hours. don't go there! aside from the crowds of people there are horrendous bug clouds, rabid grizzly bears, park rangers behind every tree asking for permits, and the rock is pure choss. probably the worst area of the cascades. stay away, stay far away!
  15. yeah, "looking DOWN[sic] on ibex", you are looking UP, way up foo!!!
  16. Dru

    The Estonian Carry

    I heard this is going to form the basis for GoLite's new pack series super secret suspension system! Internal frames are so 20th century. Thigh clamps are the new technology!
  17. The other day someone asked me "How can Steve House justify whining about Babanov's use of fixed ropes on Nuptse, when House himself fixed ropes on, not a 2500m Himalayan line, but Sans Blitz, a waterfall ice route?" Anyone? Twight? Beuller?
  18. Climb: Cathedral Park TR-New Route on Matriarch, M to G traverse and Deacon Date of Climb: 7/2/2004 Trip Report: I went on a 3 day alpine rock trip to Cathedral Park with Mer. Day 1: hiked in via Wall Creek. 4.5 hours to the world's nicest basecamp in a forested meadow with running water, boulders and snafflehounds. Weather was a bit iffy so we went bouldering in the meadows for the rest of the afternoon and did some scoping for the next day. I made dinner and burned the soup Day 2 (Saturday): Hiked up to the SW face of Matriarch and climbed a new 4-pitch 5.8+ line to the left of the Lady Fanny of Omaha route. We soloed the first 25m pitch of 4th class/5.4 ish rock. Mer led a 40m pitch of 5.7 in her hiking boots (mostly easy with two 5.7 moves at the end of the pitch). I led a 35m pitch of 5.8 and Mer finished off with a 30m 5.8+ pitch which put us on the summit ridge right below Matriarch's summit block. Then we unroped and scrambled along the Matriarch to Grimface traverse. We used ropes only for the rappels, the 15 foot bolt ladder on Macabre, and for one silly section where a rap rope got stuck and I had to rap into a gloomy chasm and penji onto a chockstone and then prussik out The views were cool from Yak Peak area, to Silver Star and the Wine Spires, to the Okanagan. Did some more scoping of lines on the unclimbed true south face of Grimface during the descent. Bring 5.12 skills, a garden trowel and dipping sauce for granite taco chips if planning an ascent here. Mer made dinner and we had a contest to see if either of us could finish our portions of tortellini. I think the snafflehounds won because they were fed the leftovers. Day 3 (Sunday): The weather was kind of iffy. Grimface socked in in the clouds. After an 8 AM alpine start to breakfast we hid back in the tent away from clouds of mosquitoes and water. Meanwhile a snaffle finished Mer's half-eaten granola breakfast. Around 10:30 it started to clear so we hiked up to the Deacon-Denture col and saw a very large and imposing goat. Then we 2nd-classed it up granite ridge to Deacon summit and examined all the granite in the vicinity including the Doorish 5.11 on the Deacon's east face. Lotsa unclimbed rock here too. Shhh don't tell ANYONE!!! Hiked back down to camp - packed up - hiked out to car - swim in the river BRRR shrinkage - drove into Keremeos to eat cherries! Home before midnight Pics to follow. GEAR NOTES hexes, nuts, cams, ropes, slings and trekking poles APPROACH NOTES the trail is a swamp! prepare for wading through mud.
  19. springboks from ibex summit
  20. Dru


    we are on top of you, look at a map. it works sort of like this picture except replace management with canada and employees with us
  21. it was hotter than hell 2 weekends ago and they were mostly gone by then anyway. chance they are still around in july on a low snow year is marginal. have fun.
  22. lost and found forum.
  23. Dru


    as son as i finish supporting the canadian economy by working on the holiday.. which will probably be in 15 minutes or so!
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