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Everything posted by Dru

  1. "What are you rebelling against Johnny?" "Whaddya got?"
  2. i just cut and pasted that from a spam MEC sent me and added the enlightenment on a full stomach quote. I didn't even read it myself
  3. if it really is an alpine area are you going to be trying out the viagra?
  4. i guess i have seen so many old, stained, illegible, snaffle chewed or otherwise naturally destroyed summit registers that my viewpoint is is that these are not a good place to make the sole record of a first ascent if you really care about others knowing about it. and if you don't why bother to record it at all? summit registers are by nature a transient, ephemeral resource. i have enjoyed finding a few and even reading through some long winded ones. but it does not bother me to hear that they have gone missing or been removed either. its in the nature of the game.
  5. that's not gorts, that's shorts over fleece tights
  6. mmm bronto burgers
  7. fitovers are the best glacier glasses i have ever used, and you get 10 pairs for the price of 1 pair of prescription shades.
  8. if you are that concerned about your contribution to history being lost then report your FA somewhere other than in the summit register.
  9. there aint no cryptobiotic soil in the alpine only in the desert. in many alpine areas there is no soil at all! distel should get some leashless tools and a crampon-proof mat and go serac bouldering
  10. Now is a real good time of year to run the Thompson. The water level drops a bit and the rapids get whiter-water. in the spring there is so much water the holes fill in. $175 US sounds a bit much? I went on one of those Reo trips on a friend's stag party and the cost was about $120 CDN each.
  11. Brontosaurus/Apatosaurus did not have "paws" either. More like elephant type feet. But do you expect a Creationist to figure that out?
  12. its good to see alpinfox can get a rise out of klenke. maybe this thread will veer to discussing the "virtual summit register" of summitpose.com next
  13. shouldnt you be biking right now?
  14. Hey Kiwi look here or here
  15. More evidence of the link between Satanism and nerds.
  16. Honorable Mention: "God Made Kitty" - Sally Reister (grade 3) "The Bible Says Creation" - Aaron Kent (grade 5) "Pokemon Prove Evolutionism Is False" - Paul Sanborn (grade 4) GOD MADE HELLO KITTY AND POKEMON!
  17. Where does it mention dinosaurs in the Bible? I must have slept through that part.
  18. not that Olga is Tonya Harding or anything.... ...but still
  19. http://climbing.com/news/newwcchamps/ How can someone named "Olga" threaten the dominance of Sandrine Levet??
  20. Dru

    Kerry in Vietnam

    thats what Michael Moore does in F 9/11 and they run away from him
  21. 30 yr old data is irrelevant
  22. The return of the wooden shaft
  23. Bullshit. You just don't know, Smokey. Uh uh mouthpiece! Its like comparing the Smith Rock Dihedrals to Squaw Rock
  24. I note in many places in the Selkirks, Coast Mountains etc where first ascents were not documented except in the summit register, and the register was later used as the primary source for the guidebook. Then again I know people who enter false data in summit registers... signing in with wrong times up the mountain and saying they were accompanied by Peter Croft and Reinhold Messner
  25. only 40% of ppl who get giardia will ever get symptoms the rest can carry it and pass it on without ever getting sick. if you know you are a carrier why bother treating? the only ppl who get sick from crypto are those with very weak immune systems eg infants, HIV+, the elderly, transplant patients with immune suppression, etc if you dont fall into these categories don't worry. The waterborne health risk you should be most worried about is fecal coliforms. Not giardia or crypto. Don't drink downstream from the toilets.
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