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Everything posted by Dru

  1. The probs with those small Faders are 1) weaker than a regular biner. Check again on that 1700 kg, the ones I saw were rated to 1200 did someone file off the bottom of the 2 to make it into a 7. Anyways, 1700 Kg = 17 kN not 19. The other problem is thin radius. Take a big fall thru one of those biners and prepare for serious rope damage.
  2. When I did it I had a copy of "Journey to Ixtlan" with me. Good for sitting out a rainstorm in the cave at the base with.
  3. Dru

    Rap wall now?

    but have the fixed draws been stripped yet?
  4. Do you understand the meaning of pre-emptive, invasion, and occupation?
  5. They are selling it at the climbing store by the granite crag in Renton.
  6. hey skyclimb run out to squaw rock and do the spiral route! good fun, watch out for cougars and the Nagual.
  7. those kongs frogs rock for making hard to reach clips. you can stiffen up the attached draw with tape and its almost like a little foot long cheater stick!
  8. Now my copy of the "new Smith Rock Guide" is out of date. If only Alan had waited 6 more months instead of rushing to print last spring, he would have had some impressive trad ascents (this and Sonnie on east monkey Face)in the book!
  9. Yes, thanks. I was thinking you could traverse the ridge south from Labour Day summit SE of Slesse to Pocket with minimal bushwacking, as a 2-day trip from Nesakwatch Creek.
  10. Dru


    snowline is around 900m and coquihalla pass is around 1200, you figure it out
  11. try this. put the cam flat on your palm. put middle and index fingers on trigger. now put heel of hand on end of cam and place. what is so hard? i rarely use thumb to place cams.
  12. Hey those Irbis are fine for alpine ice climbing. I carry one when soloing so that if my crampon detaches accidentally I can clip to a screw while I refix the crampon. Weighs nothing and good for body weight!
  13. You dont need thumbs to place single stem cams silly, you can use the ball/heel of your hand, that the thumb sprouts off of.
  14. Fresh off 8a.nu DFA she stole your project, dude!
  15. Pika Mallards Sort of like a fat Birdbeak or CrackN Up for Hand placed aid in thin seams, but doesnt have enough hook to the tip and slips out of placement when you weight it. WTF?
  16. Which is kinda like braggin to women about how fast you are in bed Did your mama ever have any children that lived?
  17. People ski in SWBC cause they can't ice climb
  18. Well while I wait for the AAJ to come the next two books in the stack are "Chicot the Jester" -Alexandre Dumas, and "Emma" - Jane Austen that ought to take a week or ten days to get through those.
  19. Just finished "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell", Susanna Clarke. Next up the AAJ, when it fucking arrives that is my copy is stuck in a pile of 150,000 unsorted pieces of mail at Canada Customs because the stupid border guards union is working to rule
  20. I think thats Tower Mountain?
  21. Too much snow to form good ice at the moment. Lots of running water under 3 feet of snow. A week of sunny, cold weather would radically improve things ---> Arctic high Dance.
  22. Dru


    Yesterdays storm brought up to a meter of freshiez to the mountains near Hope. No base to speak of. Don't exactly know why but we were postholing and hadnt brought skis , turned around by postholes deeper than ball height at 1650m
  23. In other news, the sun will rise in the morning
  24. I don't care if 2/3 are hidden cause 2/3 of what's visible is 3rd class forest
  25. Are Free Climb Walling and Speed Walling Russ Walling's little brothers
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