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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers....
  2. If not the page top, then where?
  3. Dru

    good things to know

    You can deep fry just about anything.
  4. Dru

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    when is it out on video?
  5. Dru

    Ice Screw Length?

    Slings for tying off trees and bushes
  6. Bellingham is ours now
  7. Dru

    Hi, litle help needed

    Common cow dung can cure disease, block nuclear radiation, and promote marital harmony!
  8. Hey Scott I dont work for the government
  9. Dru

    Hey, Dru!!

    That news is 2 weeks old http://www.tonmo.com
  10. Dru

    good things to know

    actually this technique works good on Amway sales too!
  11. it'd be like living in Squamish and not knowing where the Smoke Bluffs are!
  12. it is good for the snaffles too less webbing to chew
  13. I am still waiting for my giant seagull-powered flying peach!
  14. Equivalent disposable income evaporates quickly when beer costs $10 a glass. Not to mention the Swedes are so uptight they censored Donald Duck for not wearing pants.
  15. Messner said that after Antarctica "he had done all 3 Poles" I've got this picture in my head: Reinhold wearing a sheep costume
  16. Bush's daughters prove he has had difficulty pulling out before.
  17. Arnold will be dead in 10 years. Steroid abusers rarely live long and Ahnold was seriously on the juice for most of his early career.
  18. Dude if you live in Vegas and don't know that THERE IS NO HELP FOR YOU!!!!
  19. How many people have died attempting the McTech Nordwand?
  20. Australia - great rock climbing, no mtns worth the name, no snow, severely impacted environment. Or are rabbit plagues, cane toad plagues, extinction of many native species, continent-spanning fences, severe drought, overgrazing and pesticide-laden sediment plumes stretching 400km out to sea every time it rains considered acceptable?
  21. And beer costs $10 a glass in Norway. no thanks.
  22. Kiwistan (NZ) is great if you like sheep. The rock climbing is good, alpine is great, bouldering is world class but - face facts - the population of both islands is only 3 million (and 30 million sheep), less than a good sized city. It's a cultural BACKWATER. Netherlands - never live in a country below sea level when the climate is warming! The best country in the world is CANADA. It will only stay that way if the Americans stay in America. You know how Washingtonians feel when Californians move to Washington and then whine about how it isn't Cali. Well triple that. Stay home.
  23. Dru

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

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