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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    King Tut

    seems this post should have been made last sunday
  2. only if you don't mind looking like a right wanker
  3. Dru

    King Tut

    here you go
  4. Dru

    King Tut

    looks more like Queen Tut to me. maybe it' the eye makeup And there was just something in the news yesterday saying they had found he died of gangrene
  5. Venomous Sport Climber
  6. Also, why is it called the "Roman Wall" when it's only 35 degrees at maximum? Some wall
  7. Dru

    Spokane Mayor

    I'm a victim, blubbers mayor
  8. All fixed gear belongs to me. Please send any fixed gear you remove to myself as I am its rightful owner. Thanks.
  9. Dru

    Spokane Mayor

    I think you have to leave them at the door
  10. since when is Darrington in Eastern Washington?
  11. It IS the Roman Wall No It isn't Yes it is! etc. !
  12. Dru

    Happy 75th!!!

    After an exhaustive search, scientists today announced that their most sensitive instruments have failed to detect "food" within the Twinkie.
  13. We tried that with a #4 Camalot and a chunk of 2x4 once and it will hold, but you need both hands to place it. I think there's a pic of this technique in Yosemite Climber, on Excalibur? it works more or less the same as nailing a bong in stacked against a chunk of wood will, in that it will hold you to rest on, but who the hell knows how strong it is if you fall
  14. Dru

    Spokane Mayor

    Do ya think the mayor owns a mule?
  15. At least, unlike you, I know "that guy" with the website. tHe real question is why would anyone climb Pipeline or any hard OW in the first place??? OW sucks.
  16. a mule is not an ass... it's the offspring of an ass and a horse, in other words, something that came out of the horse's ass
  17. i thought the c-d goes to the true summit and the easton ends up on the sherman peak or whatever, on the other side of the crater?
  18. Tom Waits: "You gotta get behind the mule in the morning"
  19. 1) yes 2) entirely different
  20. you can get rid of that white buildup on aluminum by rubbing it with crumpled up aluminum foil anyways just follow the directions for cleaning your cams that came with the CEN-mandated booklet attached to each cam i'm sure you saved those and store them with the log where you note each minute of usage and each fall so you can determine if you must replace a piece or not
  21. rick sylvester did that for the james bond film in the 1970's... skiied off asgard
  22. but is that what is rusting? i doubt it. more probably it's a stain from the iron-rich volcanic soil
  23. you better throw them out send them to me and i will recycle them. more seriously, cams are made of aluminum... aluminum doesn't rust
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