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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Fun New Game!

  2. Dru

    raceist jokes

    Are blonde jokes racist?
  3. Why don't you ask the Parks staff.
  4. Liposuction and injection would work. Suck it out of you and into him. Maybe into his lips or nose.
  5. Dru

    Fun New Game!

  6. Dru

    Fun New Game!

  7. Dru

    Fun New Game!

  8. Dru

    They found

    Seeing as how he vanished between the climbing wall and the chow hall, how come no one has blamed gym climbing for his delirium?
  9. Dru

    They found

    It's scary to think that the other 4 kids would get even more lost.
  10. I get spam every day promising me my |ce cl1mb will get l0nnger
  11. Dru

    Happy Birthday to

    or born agains.
  12. Dru

    Happy Birthday to

    If there is an ass on them, you won't get chapped.
  13. were they too poor to afford pizza?
  14. Dru


    it should have been kiwi-strawberry-speach
  15. looks like distel32 to me
  16. Youre a cereal killer, now.
  17. when the only spray you get is prison spray you'll be moaning a different tune.
  18. what brand of windshirt did you wear?
  19. isn't it kind of late in the day to be eating breakfast?
  20. http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/bchighwaycam/WebCam.aspx?img=1
  21. what cup size is that for? surely going from an A to a DD would involve more than 2 lbs unless they used inflatables and helium.
  22. Dru

    They found

    it's only true if you are eating brain food.
  23. that depends how fast it dries out b/c it is raining on it today!
  24. Dru

    They found

    If only his parents had schooled him in concealed carry he could have shot those dangerous strangers coming to rescue him.
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