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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Maybe Hawaii gets it from Asia and we get it from Hawaii? Maybe it's all caused by the nuclear missile defence lasers??? The mind boggles...
  2. Who the hell is Steve Pool? It sounds like a place you go fishin'.
  3. Did you do your hair while there was still bleach in the bottle? To look like Kurt??? Cause now you in the PNW you should try to fit in with the icons. I hear that Grunge look is comin' back. I got my plaid shirts all ready to go
  4. [geezer] This is the Cascades boys, y'aren't gonna let a little rain stop yuh, are yuh? Cause y'aint gonna get much done if y'do. Harrumph![/geezer]
  5. All this talk about balling.... I sure hope you mean balling UP Will.... or are you back referring to sport-fucking?
  6. This stuff is addictive. It's weird trying to figure out the Japanese though. [This message has been edited by Dru (edited 07-26-2001).]
  7. Were those 2c heads or tails???
  8. Bah - you guys think you are so cool for finding all these emoticons. Well - you are erik caveman
  9. I think what will wants from Rachel is this:
  10. But erik, caveman was the first to post with them.... <--Erik-->
  11. Are those boulders the ones on the moraine across and upriver from Homefires??? Mmmmm Homefires cinnamon bun.
  12. I hate BD grips. they just don't fit in my hand. maybe charlet will make a tool with a funky shaft like a cobra but a comfortable grip like a quark??
  13. I was only there for half a day but there are 3 grade V/VI's on the north face of Dag (only 1 in guidebook - check rock & ice new routes for the other 2) , and lots of grade II-IV free routes abound - s face of asgard is supposed to be the best of these (10-14 p. 5.8). w face of gimli has an all-gear 5.11 and a 4 pitch overhanging arete sport 5.12 (neither in guidebooks) Lots to do. The out of date guidebook is the black "Columbia Mts West and South" volume. ask at the climbing gym in nelson for info on routes not in guidebook.
  14. Bone, chopping those rivits on the Porcelain wall just means the 2nd ascent party will have to place better pro in the holes so there won't be any 4-hour speed ascents of that one for a while. Mainly Warren did that to make fun of Royal Robbins "2 wrongs" - what Retro Cavey and Will did was not "wrong" anymore than it was "wrong' to remove the bolts added on Cocaine crack (if that was not just a myth...), it was "righting a wrong".
  15. Will Now you have been in Rock And Ice, same as Rachel Babkirk. If you meet her at a staff party think you will go for it????
  16. That's Guinness!!!!!!! World record beer. [This message has been edited by Dru (edited 07-26-2001).]
  17. Hit a hippie in Nelson!!!! [This message has been edited by Dru (edited 07-25-2001).] [This message has been edited by Dru (edited 07-25-2001).]
  18. Here's your trip itinerary all planned out: 1) leave Seattle drive to Marble Canyon. 2) climb Dreamweaver or crag at Lower Wall 3) drive to Skaha, climb 4-5) 2more days at Skaha 6) drive to Nelson, acquire herbage from some trustafarian on a street corner , drive to camp in Slocan 7) climb south ridge of Gimli, drive to Stone Hill 8) climb Stone Hill 9) climb half-day stone hill, drive to central washington 10) climb some central wa. stuff, drive home. This gives you a good mix of Limestone, Granite, Gneiss and Basalt, sport and trad (mostly trad), lots of variety and you never have to deal with the dreaded Canmore Wannabe Guide Poseurs...
  19. Will, just wondering, if you're into seeing what you can do without, have you considered having yourself neutered? I've read somewhere that without the excess energy being diverted to your gonads your power level "will" increase by about 8%...
  20. Just like Luke Skywalker on Hoth!!!!
  21. Jman Caveman found the site I wrote nice haiku 'bout it Send your thanks to him. Damn this haiku stuff is addictive!!!
  22. If you want to solo glaciers, and you think you can deal with the risks of crevasse falls, the best strategy is to do the beast at night when snow is strongest. Plan on siesta-ing during daylight hours. And beware the sleep deprivation may cause you to hallucinate aliens
  23. Jman - check out http://www.paintedblue.cc/emoticons/ to get one in your message you just bracket the URL of the image file with
  24. Girls that like sport fucking like strong manly man with quads of iron from bike ride everywhere and no TV belly.... I prefer the trad variety myself. Sport fucking is tainted by the fact it stays away from cracks, on blank faces....
  25. Yeah, that "fishstick" guy is the one you see down at Coleman glacier climbing overhanging ice boulder problems on the seracs with one tool and one beer in his hands...
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