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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Screw her. The cheating bitch was about to dump your sorry ass anyway.
  2. I gotta know, what's the story?
  4. I don't think that's a turtle head. I'd say it's her labia (aka meat curtains).
  5. Charlie

    Ban huge asses

    A fat ass isn't so bad if it's got a nice big rack along. Nothing worse than a fat girl with a flat chest.
  6. I think ANY guy would get a hard-on coming home to find a reasonably attractive nude female on the counter. Erik, quit putting us down. You're damaging my ego. I've got a hard-on right now.
  7. Last time I did a "load cycle" of it, I gained like 15 pounds in 10 days. I was doing it in the middle of winter, just for wieght training. If you are a thinner person, it may be a helpful supplement to your climbing (greater strength gains, faster recovery time,..) but it just made me even heavier.
  8. One time down in Joshua Tree- We climbed atop a big boulder in flipflops carrying a fifth of something. We proceeded to polish off the fifth and by that time, the sun had gone down. I then had to down climb in the dark, drunk off my ass in flipflops. The next day... I was belaying my partner on dogleg when I become overwhelmed with an intense urge to shit....when he finally reached the belay, I took him off, dropped my harness, and let loose. Relieved, I reattached my harness, tied in, and started up the pitch. About halfway up, I reached around to chalk up- to my horror.....my chalkbag was completely full of PISS!!!!!
  9. Download the book you want from a fileshare site (kazaa, etc), then burn it onto a CD. Yeah I know this is stealing, but it's raining all weekend- so fuck off.
  10. The wall is at least 30' tall. I was considering that teaching thing, but with my bad attitude, I don't think I could handle the employees there "qualifying" me. I've actually climbed it once, it's not bad.
  11. Anyone out there climb on the wall there? I'm a member and work out there all the time, but I never see anyone climbing on the wall.
  12. OR....you can be THANKFULL that you life and work are so simple, that these are the types of problems you have. I know I'm sweet, but sugar?
  13. I would suggest getting the guts to tell them yourself, instead of whining about it on some message board.
  14. another vote for town crier
  15. Not all (on this site), but a lot- it always cracks me up when I meet someone on this site in person- they talk like they're mister cool, badass, toughguy. But- in person they're a little geek.
  16. see, you've already posted another 100 since I last posted. Give it a rest
  17. You've been on this board almost 2 years less than I have, yet you have 200 more posts than I do....who needs to shut the fuck up?
  18. Is this one of the many ***whiney liberal evergreen college berkinstock tofu my subaru somehow does less damage to the environment than your suv I'm poor (because I majored in english) so everyone with money is greedy and evil wha wha wha*** on this board?
  19. I find I get the closest shave if I staret with an electric, then give it a once-over with a regular razor.
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