You walk around campus with 10 'biners clipped to your northface bookbag- you stop of at the Tav (in ellensburg) on you way back from Vantage and bring you packs in, and start coiling ropes/ reracking quickdraws in the bar (true story, I've seen it)- you can lead 11d sport but are scared to lead party in your pants- you ask me to turn my music down at the grasslands- you have a free tibet sticker on your helmet/car- you try to look like Chris Sharma- you go to western (same as previous)- you live in wenatchee but 'sport'climb at vantage 5 days a week- you walk around the crags with lots of tape on your hands, a helmet, and a bunch of hexes- you wait in line to climb clip 'em or skip 'em- you go to smith and work the same route all weekend- you hang out with route bolters so people will think your cool....